$315 was the new one. Increasing the house temp to 81.
Tank seems to be crashing a bit. I think a bad case of ick. Lost the Blue Tang, two clowns, a purple pseudochromis, and my Picasso Trigger is sick. He had a fresh RO bath yesterday to see if I could relieve him a little. Only him, the six line wrasse, the four blue chromis, and the diamond goby left. The others all seem fine. Corals are fine, parameters are fine, killed off a couple aptasia a few days ago.
Need more snails I think. Tossed a cheap emerald crap and a camelback shrimp in there a couple weeks ago. Havent seen the shrimp in about a week, the emerald is doing well.
Rock is all in and I'll take some pics in a bit. Still think I could use some more though.