In-Wall 180 Project

jarhed, thats a bummer man. sorry to hear!

nextdog, you say you keep salinity down for 6 weeks? what level?
Hyposalinity is 1.009. It takes approximately 2 weeks for the initial parasite to be killed off by hypo but you have to do enough for 2 life cycles for some reason or other. Six weeks guarantees that the Ich is definitely dead for sure. I keep a spare 20 gallan tank for hypo QT but when I move to the bigger system I'll use a 50. Kind of hard to QT larger tangs and angels in a 20g.
Sorry to read of your loss man. I had some trouble too I moved things from the 75 to the new 180 and all seemed good after a couple weeks I came home from work one morning and found my gfci had tripped and all my electric for the tank was hooked up to it. Lost my flame angel and a powder blue that my son bought me for my birthday. It killed all my shrimp and the rest of the fish were very close to dying. Got the power back on and the rest came back guess I got a little lucky there. Then I got a new powder blue, a six line and a copper band butterfly then the ick started not sure if it was from the power thing or the new fish. What I tried was I got some garlic oil gel pills from the drug store and mixed it with there food for about a week and gave them a little more food than usual since then and it is pretty much cleared up now. Someone told me once that keeping the fish well fed is a great way to keep ick away and I am not sure what worked but it is working pretty good. What will the hyposalinity do to rest of the tank?
Mike, the only way to cure Ich is to eliminate it. Healthy fish that live in a non-stressful environment can usually fight off the parasite but if something happens to stress the fish out then they can succomb very easily to it. And it's so easy to stress fish out - water quality, change in lighting, introducing new fich, water chemical change etc. If you're fish got Ich after introducing new fish that weren't quarantined then it's 99.9% sure that is where it came from.

Hyposalinity is deadly to anything but fish. It will kill all inverts and coral which is why it needs to be done in a separate tank. If you're tank has Ich you can just treat the fish that has the signs. All fish need to be removed and treated and teh main tank needs to remain fishless. Without any host to munch on, the crypto parasite cannot survive.

I agree with Nextdog. But, also, agree with Mako as a quick way to combat it. I, too, spotted something on my hippo tang almost a year ago. it was a white spot and he was itching. I started soaking their food in garilc and immediately it went away. I know if it was ich I didnt rid the tank if it, but i just maybe helped their immune system fight it well enough to keep it at bay. They havent shown any signs of the ich at all. but, when i move to my new tank, i'm going to QT qith hypo for 6 weeks.

I think I'm going to do a little garlic with the remaining fish before I try to catch them to return to QT. Maybe that will give them some strength to survive the transplant.

The Wrasse is going to be the toughest to catch. He's a master swimmer of course and not stupid enough to just hop in the net like the trigger and goby. The chromis will have to be trapped. The trigger nibbles on my fingers when I put my hand in the tank so he'll be an easy one.

One note, I think the RO bath helped the trigger quite a bit. He really didnt like it and you could see that it was very very uncomfortable, but within 10 minutes of putting him back in the main tank, he seemed just fine. He tends to "rest" (looks as if he's going ahead and dying) in one particular spot at times and I get the net ready for him. Then I turn around from whatever show I was watching and he's swimming around. He continues to defy logic and death. I keep thinking that he wont survive the night, and he keeps throwing it in my face. :)

Since he's not giving up, I'm not going to give up on him. I'm getting the 10gal ready tonight and starting the process of trapping fish. He'll be the first one in and I'll put some of my rubble rock in there to try to make him feel at home. I think this is all going to have to be on the fishroom floor because I really have no other place thats cool enough to keep them. And it'll be easier to maintain the water level in there.
Currently medicating with "NoSickFish". Ich killed all but the four Chromis, the six-line Wrasse, and the diamond Goby. Going to pretty much do an 8-day NSF cycle rather than the 7 they recommend. Not adding any fish for another month or so.

Tried trapping fish and I managed to get two Chromis in about two weeks. The Six-Line just laughs at me when he looks at the bottle trap. :) Without being able to get all of the fish out, meds seem like the only alternative at this time. I've read about a lot of folks having great luck with this product, I figured the worst that would happen is I waste $48.

I pulled the nozzles off of the closed loop outlets because it appeared to me that they were actually reducing any decent flow. I'm either going to make or purchase some eductors to get more flow on the SPS.

The SPS frags were all purchased from Coral Oasis, except for some nice pieces picked up from a fellow RC'r. Had one frag bleach yesterday, not sure why. The water temp stays below 80, mostly around the 76-78 degree range.

Held off on a water change for the last four weeks. Algae is well under control, so I could go to a more normal schedule.

Found that my calcium stays around 390ppm. Gotta figure out a way to get that Korallin reactor to give me more. Not sure if reducing the flow of effluent or increasing the bubble count would be a better option. Gotta find time to experiment. Not putting any pickling lime in the makeup water container because of the clouding I got about two months ago.

Managed to get the electric bill down a little over $100. I keep the AC at 80 when home, 81 when at work. Have to fight with the wife who likes 78 or 79 more. Trying to get her to understand that it's easier to put a fan on yourself than to pay another $100 in electricity. :)

At some point, I have to find someone to come in and install the framing I bought around the tank. I've tried to figure it out over the past three weeks, but I am NOT a carpenter by ANY stretch. I may have to just bite the bullet and pay to have it done. Not a lot of work. Also have to texture the drywall so I can paint. Dont want to use the spray cans, so I'll probably have someone come in and knock that out too.

The remaining rock is in, but I think I could use more. It's aging nicely and getting covered in coraline very quickly. One camel shrimp and an emerald crab added about a month ago. Emerald is getting braver. Comes out and hangs out while foraging now. Used to hide all the time. The shrimp has his own little hiding place. My Sebae anenome has pretty much disappeared! Not sure what that is all about. Last I saw him, he was shrunken into a little ball and was still traveling around under the rocks. Went to try to feed him that evening and he disappeared again. It seems to me that they dont like light very much, but that cant be right, can it?
Good to hear from you again! Sure hope the ich clears up for you.

Do you have any cleaner shrimp? I've found they help keep my hippo tang clean and healthy, either by removing the ich itself or by removing other parasites which leads to less stress on the fish.

Don't know about sebae specifically, but an anemone that doesn't like light just sounds wierd. Probably looking for a spot it likes if its sitll rolling around in a little ball.
No cleaner shrimp..... yet. I'm a little worried about what the Sally Lightfoot crabs might do to them. hehe

Once I restock, I may see what happens. They are nowhere near as fast as the Sally Lightfoots, so I'm a little antsy about that. Course, the camelback shrimp manages to avoid the crabs... (He only dates clean women....:lol: )

Looks like my latest reactor tweak fixed the low calcium issue. I'm at 420ppm tonight, good thing. Not a lot of demand, but I do have about 6 or seven frags, two of them a decent healthy size.

PH at 8.6, but KH and Alk (Salifert) are a bit elevated, not sure why. My KH is about 13.1, Alk is 4.69. I'd imagine I'd have to figure out why and then figure out a way to get it down to normal (8.0 and 2.8 or so).
Hey jarhed long time no see. I have two Sally Lightfoot crabs and two Skunk Cleaner shrimp they don't seem to bother each other at all. I also have one Neon Golby the is a real cleaner he has his own end of the tank and the other fish come by and he goes over them pretty good. I sure wish I cold figure out the ph thing too sounds like we should mix our tanks up and it would be fine mine can go from 7.8 at night if I don't add kalk to 8.2 during the day and I have a lighted refugium go figure. Someday I might figure out what's going on.

Thanks Mako! I will probably end up getting a couple cleaners when I restock. I think the camelback should be fine too because he hides out in a cave, so I cant see him getting into a fight with the cleaners if they were so inclined. Still waiting for my order of NoSickFish to medicate the tank.

Has anyone else had any experience with this stuff? Everything I've heard so far has been positive, especially in a world where whole tank treatments tend to not work. I've tried the huge bottle of Kick-Ich and it was like pouring pure water in the tank. Absolutely NO effect whatsoever on anything. Pointless waste of money. :mad:
Wow!! :eek2:

Just got a call from NoSickFish! I sent an email to them because my package hadnt arrived yet and I wanted to make sure it was sent.

He just said he would send another one right away and if I wanted to reverse the second one I could! He then went on to make sure I understood that his concern is to get me the medication to treat the sick fish asap.

These folks are serious about customer service!!!!! Thats a good sign. I'll let everyone know how the meds work. Course, none of the fish I have currently have any signs of ich, but I can still pretty much guarantee that ich is still in the tank. I'm sure they are carrying it around with them.

Anyone ever have any experiences with Chromis, six-lines, or diamond gobies being resistant to ich? Anyone have any die of ich? I think it's odd that they dont even show symptoms. Course, they are too smart to get into my trap, so I cant pull them unless I drain the tank.
I put a tang and six line wrasse in at the same time. The tang had gotten ich, but the six line showed no signs. IME, the six lines are pretty hardy. I also had a friend who's six line had ich, but recovered well.

Hey there! I went in search of this thread cuz hadn't seen anything in so long, and it is definately one of the more entertaining ones around. How is the ich, how is the tank? Any new pics, are things improving again with it?
Believe it or not, there are still two chromis in the tank. Almost got one of them last night when he ventured into the net, but TWICE he alluded my old, slow azz.

Havent given up on them. Going fishing again tonight. :D

The other fish (two chromis, six-line, diamond Goby, and a new percula) have been in the 10gal QT for about 8 weeks. None of these fish showed symptoms of ich btw, but everytime a Tang or Angel or Trigger was added to the tank, ich swallowed them up quickly, even after the new fish were QT'd.

Not taking any more chances. I'm not made of money, and constantly buying fish was killing me. EVERYone gets QT now. Matter of fact, any guests that arrive at my front door must go through QT on my back porch before entering the house. :smokin: The 6 weeks of fallow tank does NOT start until the last Chromis leaves the tank. ;) They will all be dosed with copper for another 6 weeks after that.

In the meantime, tank is doing just fine. I think I probably want to get another filter bag, I end up pulling and laundering the one I have every four or five days. With two, I'll always have one ready to go. Parameters are all good, doing regular adjustments on the Korallin reactor and my last test showed about 425 calcium. I've added a few SPS, zoos and other softies, but nothing significant yet. Getting some more colorful SPS this weekend at the swap. Picked up a couple of beautiful brittle-stars from an RC member. They have been hidden ever since. :D I see a leg every now and again. Also have a regular little sand sifter who travels the sandbed. I probably want to add a few more snails, as I'm seeing some empty shells here and there. Normal lifecycle I'm sure because the water is almost pristine.

I havent changed water in about three weeks and think I'll go another because there is very little bioload in the tank now with only two chromis hiding out from me. Currently, this is what is living in the tank:

two blue chromis
1 sally lightfoot crab (not sure where the other one went)
two brittle stars
1 sand sifter star
1 emerald crab
1 camel shrimp
1 feather duster worm

several frags of SPS growing like crazy
one colony of zoos
three small rocks with colonies of cup corals
one large rock with an out-of-control colony of green polyps
one large rock with a fragged up colony of GSP (still a little more to give away)
Beautiful Frogspawn (3 heads) Thanks Bergsy!
1 orange monti cap growing well
1 pagoda
2 different varieties of candy cane
1 small toadstool frag
1 recently split rock of green mushroom
1 small rock of purple mushroom
several small pieces of blue sponge

I think I need more rock! Just going to use some dead rock because it will be cheaper and come live (just like my reeferrocks order) inside of a couple months.

Hopefully, I should be adding fish to the tank in late January or so.
BTW, I still havent put the framing around the tank. I tried a couple times but made a mess out of the trim. I really really suck at carpentry!

If anyone knows the proper way to install framing, I would appreciate if you came by for a beer some Saturday or Sunday. We could shoot off to Home Depot and pickup whatever is needed (if what I have in the garage isnt right) and knock it out in a couple hours.