Input in great reference and ID guides for sps


Tenured Stick Grower
I am looking for a nice guide/book to be able to ID the majority of sps colonies that are most popular in this hobby.

So I thought I might get some feedback from my reefer peeps, as to a nicely priced book that'l be up my alley.

I cannot afford the coral " bible " by Veron ~ its like $120.00
Huge book, but hey, lets be realistic ... maybe someday, when this hobby requires me to wear a lab coat....;)

~ Thanx all Tony
The book you mentioned is the best. Do you have Borneman's Aquarium Corals? Also, are you interested in online sources. If so, here is CoralSearch, a database compiled by Veron, I believe.
I'm pretty sure Corals of the World is the Veron "bible" he's referring to.

Hate to be pessimistic, but that's about as good as you're going to get. You may want to look into Julian Sprung's books as well.
Thanks folks, Im sorry the topic was reposted a second time.

For some reason this thread was not showing up in my profile, as a new thread. so I thought I was not allowed to post this type of question. Mark is on the

Thanks for the input