Instant Ocean Sea Salt & Reef Crystals Salt Mix, made where??????


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Instant Ocean Sea Salt & Reef Crystals Salt Mix, made where??????

So I was just thinking to myself where is the salt that we use really made? As far as I know, I have looked at the buckets of Instant Ocean Sea Salt & Reef Crystals Salt Mix and Seachem Reef Salt its dose not say where the salt is made, I know that Red Sea Pro (which I find to be more of a natural salt), it is stated on the bucket Made In Israel. Are they any salts that are really made in USA or most come from overseas and just repackaged here in the USA?

Are we just influents by names and labels???
Anything imported from overseas must be clearly marked with the country of origin per Customs regulations. I have a box of Reef Crystals & it does say made in USA on the side of the box at the bottom.
Is it really made in the US or just packed in the US??? it's like in other industry's like the Optical industry that I work in, you can have a frame made in China but as long that something is done in Italy like assembling the nose pads to the frame, they can state on the frame made in Italy.
I guess why do you care where it is made? I split a skid of instant ocean with 3 of my buddy's because it is cheap and I can get it in bulk easily. For instance if you look at RTOTM on here, most are using instant ocean and not the expensive two part salts. I will keep buying instant ocean regardless of where it is made
I’m not saying that IO or RC are not good salts I buy them myself. But I will like to get a 100% answer of where the salt is really made?
The bucket/box is probably made in the US, but I’m not sure about the salt

I have my reasons why I want to know I don’t think it’s made in the US.
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I tried calling them to ask and they have all checked out for the holiday. With the price it is offered at I would think if it isn't made in the USA that it is made near by?
It says Made in USA on the box. If it weren't the govt. would be all over them & fine them until there's no tomorrow. For as heavy as salt is, we'd be paying a boatload if it was imported.
First I m sticking with reef crytals. But crazy what businesses will do too decieve a major department store was selling high end overalls with the tag made in USA. Turns out only the tag was made in usa and it was sewn on here. the overalls were in asia
Can't recall where I read it, but will try and dig up a link... but I believe it's made in the US. And I also believe it's made by a facility that makes a large majority of the commercial salt mixes sold in the US. They make it per the customer's "recipe" and then package it accordingly. No different than many branded consumer products that are just repackaged/reformulated versions of things coming out of the same plant.
Dug around and couldn't find the article/thread I was remembering. Seems like it was a Randy or Boomer comment in a thread somewhere, but I couldn't find it.

I would be surprised if all the components that go into a salt mix come from the US. It's not like salt manufacturers are making all the compounds and salts that are mixed together for every recipe. They're just going by a recipe and are sourcing the different ingredients - no different than food, really. You could have a candy bar that's 'made in the US', but uses ingredients that originate from outside the US.
Can't recall where I read it, but will try and dig up a link... but I believe it's made in the US. And I also believe it's made by a facility that makes a large majority of the commercial salt mixes sold in the US. They make it per the customer's "recipe" and then package it accordingly. No different than many branded consumer products that are just repackaged/reformulated versions of things coming out of the same plant.

This is also what I remember reading, unfortunately I do not remember what state.
Instant Ocean is made by UPG Aquatics which is owned by Spectrum Brands which is headquartered in Wisconsin, but has companies in 55 countries.

The contact info for Instant Ocean via US mail is located in Blacksburg, VA. One of the current jobs listed on their company website for the Blacksburg Virginia location is "Compounder".

I'm not going to dig a ton further than that, but that should be enough info to get you going.
Salt in large quantities is not something you want to import. It's insanely heavy. It's synthetic salt anyways.
Live sample here, I need to buy a bucket of reef crystals salt, and I am thinking how to handle it, since its over $100 here, overseas.
Is it really made in the US or just packed in the US??? it's like in other industry's like the Optical industry that I work in, you can have a frame made in China but as long that something is done in Italy like assembling the nose pads to the frame, they can state on the frame made in Italy.

Check the barcode here is the country code list..
They can write whatever they want but the barcode is what you really need to check

00 ~ 13 USA & CANADA
30 ~ 37 FRANCE
40 ~ 44 GERMANY
49 ~ JAPAN
50 ~ UK
57 ~ Denmark
64 ~ Finland
76 ~ Switzerland and Lienchtenstein
471 ~ Taiwan
480 ~ Philippines
628 ~ Saudi-Arabien
629 ~ United Arab Emirates
690 ~ 695 China
740 ~ 745 Central America

I looked all over the house I don't have a bag of IO to check the code. I'm with you though I make my money here I want to spend it here as much as possible.
IO and RC are made in the US for the US market (or at least were last I was told by them in 2011, not long after they set up a new plant).
What that snopes article actually says is the barcode's that follow that (the barcodes commonly used in the US do not) only show where the company's headquarters are located, and not where the item was manufactured.
With the price point of what IO is, it wouldn't be possible for them to make any $$ if they imported it.
Still no one can tell me where the most selling brand of salt in the US is maid or where it's repackaged, or relabeled (city, state)