Invert to help fight off Racemosa?


New member
Hi All,
From what it looks like after spending some time trying to ID it looks like I have Caulerpa Racemosa(var.peltata) in my sps display. It's really starting to take off and I like to try and find some kind of invert to keep this down.My tank is only 30 gal..w/ a mated pair of true percs and a springereye pseudochromis. As you can see there is really no room for another fish as this is why I am looking for a invert. I will be upgrading to a 58gal in 5-6mo. but still probably on the small side for a tang. i plan to take the affected rock out an d get as much off as possible then hope something can help me keep it in check. Any recommendation on how to get rid of this? Also if I get my nutrients low enough would it possible to starve this off or will photosynthesis be enough for this to survive?
Thanks for any help or comments.:)
peltata is hard to control by hand harvesting, especially if it starts working its way up into fragile stony coral like Pocilopora. Lettuce sea slugs are the only small invertebrate that come to mind. I've tried these and did not have much luck, but maybe the ones I purchased were late in their short lifespan (when they stop feeding). A small Diadema urchin will graze it on occasion when it can get at it. IME diadema will graze red algaes, including coraline algaes, preferentially. Diadema also grow very large and will eventually become a nuisance in your tank.

Removing the rock from the tank, hand removing the algae and scrubbing the area where it was attached (where the algae holdfasts are) with lime in fresh water will eradicate it, IME. Let the lime paste stay on the rock a few minutes, then rinse it off before returning the rock to the tank. Be aware that lime paste has a pH of 12 and will also kill most other living things that get scrubbed, including the coraline alga.