IPad for profiLux now available


New member
We are excited to announce that the profilux I-Phone APP now also works with the I-Pad and I-Touch :)

At present the Pad is only available in North America.

Who will be the first to publish pictures using the I-Pad with the profiLux ;)
We are excited to announce that the profilux I-Phone APP now also works with the I-Pad and I-Touch :)

At present the Pad is only available in North America.

Who will be the first to publish pictures using the I-Pad with the profiLux ;)

That might be me! I am currently debating either an iPad or an HP slate as both should be able to control the profilux. The HP slate uses Windows 7 (I believe there is an android version too, but Windows 7 can run the Profilux control software natively).

Another device to keep your eyes out for is the Asus EEE keyboard as it should be able to control the profilux as well using the standard profilux control software.

Post pics Gareth!

(Your shipment just got picked up by the way :) )

Sweet, cant wait to get that shipment!

I'll be picking up an Asus EEE keyboard for sure so I'll post pics once it is available, I have plans for that unit as it has Wireless HDMI so you can imagine how nice it would be to have your Profilux control on a Widescreen HDTV controlled by a keyboard in your lap...

The iPad and HP slate debate is a fierce one as there are pros an cons for each, but I'm leaning to the iPad for the grace of the apple touchscreen (havent found a comperable device with such a nice interface).

More details to come!
I have had my Ipad for a week or two and I have only great things to say about it. The wireless has been rock solid for me. I also have the I-Phone app and it works great too on the Ipad.

Here are some pictures:




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great thanks, this lets other users get a feel of what it looks like.

if you get a chance to upload some moe screen shots of different setting pages ;)

Really appreciate this thanks
Very sweet. My wife is wanting to get the Ipad but she wants to wait for the 3g version to be out later this month. I use the droid phone now though but hoping that iphone gets released for verizon and then I will probably get one of those.
Oh man... That is too cool. I think my decision has been made.. I really want one of these now... Just have to wait until they are released in Canada!
The slate does look like a superior platform, but I am a sucker for the grace and simplicity of the Apple Touchscreen interface.. Its really snappy and I havent seen another device that has such a nice touchscreen....


That being said the Slate would really work well for me home theater integration project... hmmm....
what would be neat is an ipad app that displays key stats of the tank PH, TEMP, etc like a permanent display unit that can be mounted next to the tank.
Forgive my ignorance, but is it possible to control things such as lighting and lighting effects from the iPad or iPhone (i.e. - start a thunderstorm with the push of a button when friends are over!), or is it simply to view current settings?
Forgive my ignorance, but is it possible to control things such as lighting and lighting effects from the iPad or iPhone (i.e. - start a thunderstorm with the push of a button when friends are over!), or is it simply to view current settings?

You can do all of this with the marine mad program it is a little hard to set up but once you do it is pretty awesome. I love the ability to just open up an app and check my values when I am away. And starting a thunderstorm from my phone is just fun.

This is the benefit of th profilux web server(both apps are just getting the info from the webserver and wrapping it in a pretty package). The best part about the whole thing is that as the webserver becomes more powerful the apps will be easily updated for the new functionality.

The only downside that I have found with the marinemad platform is the lack of info concerning how to do things. I'm a comp sci major in school so I am expected to be able to do things like set up an external ip address and stuff (if their is interest I'll do a write up).