Is anyone aerating there RODI water


New member
So I have a 90g storage container for RO water. Sometimes after I fill it it might be 3 weeks before I refill. The container is sealed "same containers that roger has I think they are the Glenn industries" My question is should I be aerating this water wile it sits for so long?
I have a book that I picked up from the FAOIS yard sale from the early 2000s, and in it the author claims that aerating your top off water helps with stability. I think he mentioned alk swings. I'll check when I get home.
no, I have done the same for years, never had an issue ever. You do it when you mix your salt so why waste the electricity and wear and tear on a pump running all day everyday..
nope. If I did for some reason I would want an air filter on it to help prevent dust and bacteria from getting in the water. The kirby vacuum's use a container of water to filter out dust.

About once a year I fully drain it, wipe it down and air dry it, then fill 'er back up.
Thanks. Bluecoast its the rainbow that uses water. I have 2 Kirbys. Love them. So then a couple suggested using a pump just to move the water. Maybe like an old power head. I ask this because last night I put a portable TDS meter in the water and it was 2. Now I know my water is 0 going in so I am wondering if I am getting bacteria growing in the water or something else. I know 2 is really no big deal but would like it to be 0. The tank is sealed pretty well but it might be getting just a little dust in it. I am more worried about it being a bacteria. The tank is clean and I see nothing in it.
This is common for new water to be zero but in container it reads hight. It is the holding container. It needs a good cleaning if u want a chance to still read zero.

I have mine setup to aerate the water but I have never turned it on. No problems here. I don't have a pump in there either.
lol, my mistake, i knew it was one of those fancy vacuum machines :)

It might be something leaching out of the plastic or bacteria are the most likely culprit. Are the sides of the container slimy at all?
Thanks roger. With the tank being about 6' its going to be hard to get down in there and clean it but no the sides are not slimy. Like I said 2TDS really is nothing to worry about. Now I think I am getting silicates in my reefs. My glass is covered in brown/rust algae in 3 days and my caps have brown/rust algae on them. Also bubble algae is going crazy. I was looking for the source which is why I am asking about the raised TDS.