Is High Amp expansion necessary when using GHL ProfiLux Light 2 Controller???


Premium Member
I am wanting to run 3 x 250w MH lights and an Icecap 660 ballast powering 2 x 140w VHOs.

I know with the regular digital powerbar I would need 4 hi-amps in order to individually control them. But would I still need the hi amps with the ProfiLux Light 2 Controller????

And could the Light 2 controller be daisy chained off of a digital powerbar?
You are pulling about 9.36 amps so you within tolerence, and should be ok

However that leaves no room for any other HO devise so you may want to put the VHO's on a high amp this will also give you and extra socket.

No you can daisy chain anything to the light II it is a stand alone unit

I am currently using a standalone ranco to control my chiller so my lighting is the only thing to control in the cabinet.

what exactly is different about the light 2 controller and the 6-way digital powerbar that I need the hi-amp expansion with the 6-way? I'm trying to find the thread where you guys explain exactly what power draws require the hi-amp expansion....
Nothing I would give you the same advise if you came to me asking to connect the same loads to a 6 way

I do not recommend drawing more than 13 amps on any power bar so this only leaves you about 3.5amps to play with hense the reason for suggesting the high amp to spread the load not only on the power bar but also your wall socket.