Is it Ich?


In Memoriam
I bought this fish two weeks ago and added it to my display after I bought it. Everything had been fine and maybe still is fine. It eats a ton and is not really picked on too bad by any of its tank mates. The tank has been up and running for about two and half years and I have never had any issues with any fish. I noticed this morning when the lights came on a small white speck on its face. So I got ahold of Barrett and borrowed a qt tank from the club just in case it was ich.

Well when I got home the original speck was gone but another one was on the side of its face close to where the black meets the white. The speck does not appear to be sand but appears to be embedded in the skin. I am not sure if you can see it in the picture or not.

I have not really seen any cases of ich in person but from what I have researched and seen online I really do not want to. Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

2nd that. I really can't see the spot. powder blues are very prone to ich. try and feed nori. you are just going to have to keep your parameters at ideal range and wait it out. I have a powder blue who will occasionally get ich. usually short lived. I do however use UV. I know some argue this is not good in a reef but I really think with tangs it is a must. also you may want to lower your specific gravity a bit is this is ich.
Ill try and get a better picture tommorrow. I would lower the specific gravity except I have a bunch of coral in there and I dont want to mess them up. Thanks for looking though and I will try to get a better pic on here.
Heres a bit of wisdom from my trials with Ich. QT that fish! I have a fish trap if you need to borrow it.
QT tank should have a SG of 1.020
Temp in the 80-82 degree range
Use the Cu+ I gave you and maintain theraputic levels with the Cu+ testkit.
If its a bad case d a fresh water dip and begin QT immediately.
Add garlic to your tangs diet.
Feed Nori (just cause its best for overall health) but add a food with garlic added (like Formula 2 flakes) or get some garlic extract and add it to their food while its thawing.
That spot is not ich. The fish may have ich but not because of that spot. You would really need a good camera with a good macro lens to take a picture of one ich paracite. They are smaller than that.