is it safe to throw a mantis shrimp into the gulf of mexico?


Premium Member
I have a mantis shrimp that hitch hiked into my tank. No one wants him so far. Is it ecologically bad to throw him in the gulf as opposed to killing him? I don't see what he can hurt out there, theres plenty of other stuff like that out there.
Yes its bad... if he's been in your tank, and you have fish/inverts/corals not native to that area (the gulf), then throwing him into the ocean is the worst way to get rid of him.
Re: is it safe to throw a mantis shrimp into the gulf of mexico?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6452239#post6452239 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by guyguerra
I have a mantis shrimp that hitch hiked into my tank. No one wants him so far. Is it ecologically bad to throw him in the gulf as opposed to killing him? I don't see what he can hurt out there, theres plenty of other stuff like that out there.

Now you know how Lion Fish got of the coast of Florida, North Carolina, and New York. Snake Heads in lakes, all because some dumb dumb, thinks what can it hurt.

There are plenty of mantis shrimp in the water out there, take the guy out place him in the freezer and it will go to sleep, or place him in 70% ethonal and ship him over to me and I'll put it on a shelf for students to look at. Just don't be that person that is that stupid. Go diving in Pompano Beach Inlet, enjoy the yellow and purple tangs, all there because some idoit thought it was a good idea.
OK guy, this is like the 4th post you've placed on different forums, and you HAVE gotten local offers to take your mantis. You either don't care or are just being a troll and asking a question you know will get a rise out of people.
Pandora, I never post anything to get a "rise out of people", and I have found someone that would like to have the shrimp. I generally avoid getting into theads that are accusatory, but I think I did all the right things here, so I'll poat this note against my better judgement, when I typically would have skipped it. Sorry if it doesn't meet your standards. I will throw a quip though and say that your handbasket might be moving faster than it needs to. Calling people "trolls" could be a contributing factor in being an underloverd mermaid.
guy, well, I'm sorry if I misjudged your underlying motives, but you have to understand, it was a little suspicious to repost the same post over and over in different forums in order to get more attention for it (along with photos of the mantis langishing out of water)... and then not reply to a lot of earnest attempts to offer aid; most times reposts are deleted anyway, and one in the mantis forum would have sufficed. Sometimes there are kids that post made-up situations like "I want to keep XX sharks in a 40 gallon tank" just to start or bait an argument... this is the definition of an internet troll.

Apologies again if you were genuinely looking for alternatives to throwing him in the gulf (definitely not a good idea), I'm glad to hear he found a home!

PS: What does "underloverd" mean? LOL :D
Hey Spawner, I am headed to FL next month on a snorkling possible dive trip, how far south is Pompano Beach and how clear is the water there? While not a fan of invasive species, it always interests me to see them in the wild. I have still yet to see a lion, errr(or that might be a good thing) but have seen many, many invasive species in springs in FL.
Pompano Beach Inlet is just north of Fort Lauderdale. Your looking for light house point. The jetty has lots of fish, nice reefs just off shore North and South of the Inlet. Lion fish are normally in deep water, don't think you'll see any of them. They migrate out to 100+ feet. Its temp dependant. You'll see plenty of yellow tangs in the middle of the inlet if you can get a boat to take you out and idle with your head in the water. The jetty holds them as well. Water is cristal clear as long as they are not dumping the glades, which is not common this time of year.
Mantis shrimp are hot =)

When i was younger i didn;t know any better and threw 5 oscars, 2 Snake Head Pike and a Lung fish in the local lake. Im sure they died cause it was winter.... a NY winter
That's funny I also saw this thread on the mantis forum - and I never even check this page. It's kind of like getting an answer you don't want to hear and rephrasing the question or asking someone else until you get the answer you want.

This kind of reminds me of... me
Actually, the cause of Lion fish off the east coast has been attributed to cargo ships purging their tanks of water they picked up elsewhere. They push the water out to lift the water line so they can dock and take it in to lower the center of gravity while in transit. The fish, and whatever else is in the water, gets moved all over to places they wouldn't normally be.
You need to stop drinking the coolaid, and stop reading Dr. Goldsteinââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s bad articles on the topic. Your not going to get lionfish in cargo ships, lionfish larvae would die in the holds of the ship. I wish we could blame this one on cargo ships but we can't. If you say the number of marine tropical fish in the Pompano Beach Inlet, you would understand how they go here. Nice thing about a defended animal it doesnââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t take many to get a good population started and once you got them, youââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢ve got them.
Re: Re: is it safe to throw a mantis shrimp into the gulf of mexico?

Re: Re: is it safe to throw a mantis shrimp into the gulf of mexico?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6457719#post6457719 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by spawner

Go diving in Pompano Beach Inlet, enjoy the yellow and purple tangs, all there because some idoit thought it was a good idea.

Is this place in florida?