Is my refugium light powerful enough?

Joseph Abesh

New member
Hi All,

First post ever here! I'm about 4 months in on my 75g and things have been pretty good. (Working on getting phosphates down a bit and keeping my Mg up but everything is pretty solid.)I'm using an E-shopps R-200, where the refugium section is 10" by 8".

I'm wondering if this refuge light that I bought: (
is sufficient or if I should upgrade to something like a PAR38,etc. I'd appreciate your advice on this.. It's a mix of chaeto, caulerpa, and not sure what else

Pictures of tank and sump attached. I also have a small bag of Chemipure Elite sitting in my return pump section in my sump. Trying to grow a mangrove or two but the one I received is a bit too short to reach substrate at this point.

3 Turbo snails, 5-6 nassarius, 4-5 hermits; Pair of clowns, 5 Chromis, Diamond Watchman, Blue Spotted Blenny, Cleaner Shrimp, Blackcap Basslet, Juvenile Blue Hippo Tang, Bicolor Angel (just added); Neon Green mushrooms, Xenia, Metallic Green Brain/Trach (just received from; Neon Green Toadstool (small frag from LFS just added)


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Macro algae in general doesn't need much light so it should be fine and time will tell..
There is more to happy algae than just light though..
Its like 3 watts so you are on the low end but that does look like a fairly small/compact fuge so it might be alright..