Is there something in the local saltwater?


Red Dragons!
It sure seems like a lot of people are getting out of the hobby right now. I know this hobby has a pretty high turnover but it seems like it is very high right now. :( Is there something going around in the local saltwater?
Seems like a lot of people take either an obsessive or non-caring approach. The obsessives will burn out. The people that don't give it at least some serious thought will have crashes and failures. I haven't paid much attention to the reasons given by people who are getting out, but my bet is they fit one of those.
Life is pretty unpredictable. This is a hobby that takes a certain amount of dedication and time. I have questioned myself on several occasions as to how far I want to go with it, but I am setting up a big new tank anyway.
The names on the forum change on a regular basis. There are not many left from when I first started lurking around here. I guess I hadn't noticed a higher turnover lately, there are more than enough new people to make up for it.
and then you have me. I broke my old tank down 5 months back and just recently started a 3g picotope to hold me over until my 165g custom is finished.
there is a bigger difference than you think, work is work. At home is hobby time. I cant stare at pods at work for hours on end without getting yelled at.
Seems like a lot of people take either an obsessive or non-caring approach. The obsessives will burn out. The people that don't give it at least some serious thought will have crashes and failures. I haven't paid much attention to the reasons given by people who are getting out, but my bet is they fit one of those.

That's a pretty blanket statement.
If you actually knew any of these people who are getting out you'd know that neither of these gross and rather offensive assumptions fit. Although I have seen people fall into both of your classifications, I can assure you that neither roll21 nor dmorel fit into either of these, assume what you want about me.
I have to agree with aztbs, life is full of changes. Anyone who stays strong in the hobby for five years or more is extremely dedicated - far from the obsessive burnout group or a "non-caring" group you've lumped them in to.
Take a look at their accomplishments, and the reasons why they're getting out.....before you open your flap.
Here's another blanket statement......
"The majority of the time, when people should keep their yapper shut, they open it."

I already said I paid no attention to why they were getting out. And I see lots of people who fit both profiles, but don't know if they are the ones leaving.

I disagree that it takes much dedication to keep a marine tank for any period of time. It does if you take it to an obsessive level.