Is this a Peanut Worm?


New member
I just noticed this guy peeking out from a tiny hole near the bottom of the platform holding a coral frag. At first I thought "Peanut worm" but it is coming out under bright light. Everything I've read so far on peanut worms indicates they only come out at night...sort of like Alice Cooper...sorry, couldn't help the bad joke. Anyway, my LFS was going to toss 5 or 6 frags that were not doing well. Instead, they gave them to me. I'm a total noob when it comes to coral but they will def have a better chance with me than the trash bin which is where they were headed. I'm not sure what kind of coral this is either but the "worm" is coming out of a tiny a hole at the base. He hangs out for a while, then ducks back in but not completely....sort of just closes up like the corals..this happens for a minute or so and then he opens back up for several minutes..and so it goes. I found 2 others in the same frag. I also found something else..if you look closely at the "what is this" photo, there is an almost translucent "something". It sort of looks likes a fan. I found several of these. They turn to the left, then to the right..then disappear and come right back..kind of cool to watch. You can't really see them with the naked least I can't but if I open the camera app on my Iphone and zoom in, I get all sorts of great shots. Any idea what these and the "worms" are and are they good or bad? I'll keep researching the various threads here at RC but thought I'd throw it out there. Any help is appreciated.


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Little barnacle, likely.. They won't survive in our tanks too long, sad to say.
This is a peanut worm in my tank. So hard to take pics they are very light sensitive and retreat immediately


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