Is this algae?


New member
Most of my rock is had lots of plant life on it when I put it in my take years ago and my fish and crabs seemed to enjoy it. Ican't tell if it's alagae or something else. Is it something I need to treat before I convert to reef?

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You water looks cloudy like it has lots of nutrients in it.

What are your water parameters?

Yes you need to treat it. If you take a light (CLEAN) brush and do a water change at the same time, and use a hose to siphon out the brush off at the same time it will help!
You water looks cloudy like it has lots of nutrients in it.

What are your water parameters?

Yes you need to treat it. If you take a light (CLEAN) brush and do a water change at the same time, and use a hose to siphon out the brush off at the same time it will help!

I had just blown a lot of grit and cyano off of my rock and there is no lighting which makes it look even worse. Is that algae or something else. I am on a second dose of chemiclean and in the 2nd day of a blackout.
Well let it go the full three days. It is hard to see frankly... To me it looks like HA (hair algae) that is dieing off from lack of light.

But again, itis hard to see.

Zoom in?

For lights out (if that is a new video) that is a lot of light still coming in.
my room lights were on...if it's hair algae, am I better off letting my rock sit in heated covered bins for a month or two before putting them back in the tank, cleaning them every few days?

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Yeah cleaning them every few days.

It is manageable. Don't have to go to the extreme.

Feeding cut back to like 1/2 a pinch instead of a whole pinch.
cover the tank with newspaper or towel. Something to even cut out the room lights.