Is this Ich after copper treatment.

I have a question regarding the tank transfer method..does that method make it where you don't need to do a copper treatment? Also should he transfer his fish into another quarantine tank after the freshwater dip? Not sure if the parasites can stay in the water of his quarantine tank and get back on his fish, or if they're only on his fish and he's safe to put him back in after the freshwater dip.

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TTM is great way to treat for ich but it will not treat for velvet which is becoming more common nowadays and is a super fast killer. To cover both velvet and ich you want to use copper or CP (also treats uronema but you'll need a vet to give you a RX for it).
Also if you are treating with copper or cp, it is recommended to treat for a min of 30 days unless you have a second qt (at least 10' away) that you can move the fish into after 14 days of being in full thereputhic levels without any changes to the concentration. Only the fish should be transferred and no equipment with minimal water as possible to prevent cross contamination. Observe for another 3-4 weeks and if no symptoms good to add to display.
Sounds as if you are on track for developing your own protocol on disease management . Keep it up and familiarize yourself with the different drugs and their indications. Try to keep on hand some of the hard to get meds , So that you are able to address a quick acting parasite. Great new addition to your tank. I know after I have spent so much time in treating a new fish that I will no longer just plop new organisms into the DT. As for the TTM , I use that procedure in all cases of disease or parasites . If I can leave behind infective or developing organisms with a tank transfer, Then I do so. I usually do 3 day intervals . I have multiple tanks already setup waiting for a transfer. Yes there may not be literature that states this but I think it can work for other parasitic infections too.
So the tomini tang has really fattened up over the last week and im pleased to say he is doing exceptionally well apart from some lympho that appears to be very slow to clear up but in due time im sure it will drop off and he will be fine ..
finally success with a tang ! after losing two in the past due to being new to the hobby and learning the hard way i really regret not quarantining back then but we all learn eventually .. he is out most of the time either picking at algae or swimming with the clowns & he decinitely learnt quick to avoid the coral banded shrimp XD

tanks doing well still not where i want it ewuipment wise but for now its pretty solid .. first things first get a different set of wavemakers in there these things are meant for a 6 foot tank .. thinking 1 octo OP-4 on random will do and then corals wont be blowing around everywhere then a uv steriliser for clarity .. p.s. i usually dont keep fungia next to euphyllia XD .. but i dont mind moving them once every day or two.

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