Is this teardrop healthy??


Notorious Reeferus
Here is a teardrop I'm purchasing and just want to make sure it's healthy... This is a big buy and I don't want to waste my money on something soooo beautiful..


I have attached a photo of the clam... It's as of yesterday.

It looks great to me. How long has this person had it? What size?

i think like 2 weeks or so?? Maybe more not sure...

It' 4.5 inches, or 5 inches.. Not sure one of those two...

Where do I get these??

Anthony and has them now. I'm purchasing this one from him right now...

Happy searching.:D These clams are rare...

there you go Fish-o-holic a nice 205$ and 185$ pair of clams still available.

I am guessing lewbowski is Elvis. Big clam by the way for your tank well at least my 4 inch crocea looks big in my 29 but of course that clam looks well worth it.
Hmm maybe later. I'll see how my two clams do as I am new to clams.

On the same subject, what makes teardrops so much more $$$ than maximas, croceas, etc? Is it because they only come from a certain part of the ocean? Or because they are rarely collected only a few times a year? Just wondering...
Fish-o-holic said:
Hmm maybe later. I'll see how my two clams do as I am new to clams.

On the same subject, what makes teardrops so much more $$$ than maximas, croceas, etc? Is it because they only come from a certain part of the ocean? Or because they are rarely collected only a few times a year? Just wondering...

"Teardrop" is simply a term used to describe matle patterns. Teardrop croceas are pretty common, but Teardrop maximas are next to imossible to find, well not anymore I guess.

They are in demand so they can be that much cash. If they keep on coming in (this batch is apparently from the Solomon Islands) then I think we will probably see the prices go down. Although, it may be some time, or maybe they NEVER will.

Thy were coming in from Viet Nam, but no one wants those because the way they were collected. They all died because of damage to their foot.

These Solomon Island guys are collected in a safe way, so they should theoreticaly be as healthy as any other wild clam.

Stupid concept supply and demand. I swear. It would be super cool to have something so rare especially because no one has anything "rare" in the city I live in but if i lost a clam or even an acro for that much money i'd probably beat myself silly. Maybe If I won the lottery or knocked over a bank I would get one. Your a much braver man than I am Lebowski
i'd pay that much for that solid blue squamosa someone posted a few weeks ago, that was by far the coolest clam i've ever seen...and this one lebowski got is certainly the nicest teardrop i've ever seen and i would pay that much if i saw it at a LFS. most of them aren't very pretty in my opinion, certainly not pretty enough to warrant more than 100 of my dollars.

does it have to have colored spots to be called a teardrop? i've heard mine (in my gallery) called a teardrop and also a snakeskin. which is more appropriate? it was only 55 bucks, i got it before i had even heard the term teardrop.

not just with clams, but mostly ricordia and zoos it seems that all you have to do is slap a flashing 'rare' label on it and you can double the price, even if it really isn't that rare. i fully support supply and demand, but when it's ripping off suckers with too much money i get sick.
johnrags1234 said:

"Teardrop" is simply a term used to describe matle patterns. Teardrop croceas are pretty common, but Teardrop maximas are next to imossible to find, well not anymore I guess.

They are in demand so they can be that much cash. If they keep on coming in (this batch is apparently from the Solomon Islands) then I think we will probably see the prices go down. Although, it may be some time, or maybe they NEVER will.

Thy were coming in from Viet Nam, but no one wants those because the way they were collected. They all died because of damage to their foot.

These Solomon Island guys are collected in a safe way, so they should theoreticaly be as healthy as any other wild clam.

Thanks for the clarification. Maybe I'll get a teardrop some day when I win the lotto or find out for a reasonable price. ;)
'd pay that much for that solid blue squamosa someone posted a few weeks ago, that was by far the coolest clam i've ever seen

I would buy 5 at that price!

FYI, Rumor has it taht the one that New Your Aquaria had FS was priced at $4,000. The partner supposedly took off with it and some other rare livestock though:(
Thanks for the compliments...

Manderx... I'd trade my teardrop for your red teardrop any time and day.. That thing made me want a teardrop!

I'm excited about getting this clam... I know that if it lives, is healthy and grows, someday I'll sell it for lots of cash:D ...

Teardrops are very rare... I've only come across teardrops right now, when anthony and barry happened to get them all of a sudden...

So like a kid in a candy shop I get compelled, and this is what happens...:D

BTW... Anthony's clams are very healthy, so I'd go with one of his tears if I were any...

Good luck finding a piece like mine... Oh yeah, here comes months of bragging......:smokin:
Yeah, here's an updated pic...

The teardrops do have bad survival rate... Mostly the vietnam, the Soloman's have been doing good so far!

Take a look at my avatar.. It's as of a couple days...
Thank lunch!! I would love to have your 20gal tank!!! ahahahhaha

I just got it, and it seems that it's not attached to a rock, it might have possibly let it go in anthony's... If so, I hope this is the case...

It's looking good.. I'm drip acclimating it's been about 2 hours... So far everything seems good. It's about the size of my fist, which is pretty big... I can see new shel growth and the colors are simply amazing...

I can tell I'll have this guy for a while.... Our first interaction was me getting spit at! I opened the bag and took him out to place him in a bowl and first thing he does is spit water straight into my eyes!! lol!

I'll update you guys!:)