Is this teardrop healthy??

LOL - my clam scared the crap out of me when it spit water at me....didn't really think that he would.

mine wasn't attached but now is FIRMLY attached...hmm i'll take taht guy for my 20gal tank :D would be a perfect addition

get some pics up man!
hahaha.. Awesome... yeah, my teardrop just squrted water on my face, the floor and the tank. It was funny though, I yelled out some cuss words at it afterwords...:D
Just an Update...

Everything looks good so far...The clam is attached to a rock high in the tank....

I haven't much time lately, I just started High School and I'm getting lots of homework and such, just don't have the energy and strength to work much on the tank... So I'm relying partially on luck....:(

I'm trying to get pics, but again time is tough,

Lots of work in high school? If you think that already, you'll really hate yourself when you start college, if you do. :)

I did more work in one college english class than I did all 4 years of high school combined.
Im the same way lebowski, my tank is pretty much gonna have to hang in there, my schedule is hard as it gets, and I cant really do anything about it....
Yep. I still clean it, do some low maintenance, but most of the time I'm just really tired and don't have the energy for this stuff... Today I'm free.. No homework.. So Days like these I can do my stuff.. :)
Speaking of school Elvis- Doesnt it suck? Im not in any extracurriculars so I have fre time after my Homework is done (ussually 2 or so hours of HW/night)

Im so tired of the drama of HS, Im going to graduate early and get my credits through summer school.. That way I can get on with my life and get ready for college. Basiclly, my junior year would be my senior year if I puirsued this.

Now Im babbling, Ill IM you later,


Sounds good john... I might try something like that... I'd get to college earlier...:D

However, I'd really want to find a job during the summer, but summer school is only a few hours or so eh?

I'll talk to my councelor about something like this....