Isn't that a lot more work?

I'm learning some things. I think I like the density of the benepets feed. I think the corals do too. My Green star closed up for 2 days post feed but came back noticeably larger.


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After a week away, it took about a week to get the tank where I felt it was "healthy" again.


The BTA definitely seems to enjoy larger foods, so today when I target feed he'll get some good protein.

My blowpops have been about half closed lately so I moved them a little lower in the tank in case it was too bright where I had them.

My "rescue" utter chaos are slowly opening a tiny bit more every day, so I'm optimistic. But the other frag I got at the same time seems to be doing great.


Now I have a question about nassarius snails....

My wife said she saw a large bloom of sand pop up on one side of the tank, like a geyser... There is a neat sorta cave created in the sand under a rock over there.

A few hours later I saw it. Suddenly a burst of sand like old faithful pops up about 3-4" near another animal made cave. Is this the snail? I've never seen that before.

Our only fish in the tank are two damsels, the orchid dottyback, a chromis, and our clown pair.

Also, I measured the tank and in theory it comes out to 35g+ (not 30 as I had thought).

This is good to know because I would really like to upgrade down the road to an AIO type tank with sump and ATO for those times that we are traveling.
Now I have a question about nassarius snails....

My wife said she saw a large bloom of sand pop up on one side of the tank, like a geyser... There is a neat sorta cave created in the sand under a rock over there.

A few hours later I saw it. Suddenly a burst of sand like old faithful pops up about 3-4" near another animal made cave. Is this the snail? I've never seen that before.

Our only fish in the tank are two damsels, the orchid dottyback, a chromis, and our clown pair.

Also, I measured the tank and in theory it comes out to 35g+ (not 30 as I had thought).

This is good to know because I would really like to upgrade down the road to an AIO type tank with sump and ATO for those times that we are traveling.
I'm having trouble visualizing the bloom of sand. If you can get a video, I'd love to see it.
I'm having trouble visualizing the bloom of sand. If you can get a video, I'd love to see it.
Me too! 🤣

We just had a third one from the opposite side of the tank but we barely catch it from the couch. A big poof! 2, 3+ inches high. This one was kinda neat from the far left corner a big poof and then a sandy drift across the entire front of the tank to the right side.

My dottyback and one of my damsels like caves a lot, but I've never seen any of the fish dig. All I can think of that I have in the tank that are diggers are the snails and my one RFA, aside from any hitchhikers like worms.
What kind of rock did you use again? If live rock, could be a hitchhiker doing it???
What kind of rock did you use again? If live rock, could be a hitchhiker doing it???

Less than half was live, from the previous tank, so probably 2.5yrs old. The rest we added dry/dead over the past year.

In the old tank, actually, I've never seen this before in my life lol. I've seen fish dig and burrow but not mine. My wife says we have Tremors like the old movie 😂
So far there just hasn't been any warning, you happen to catch it out of the corner of your eye and a big poof of sand shoots up 😂

On another note my wife's RFA is super interesting. Beautiful anenome, who has decided to plant his foot against the display side of the tank so we spend the day staring at his butt.

I noticed in the very wee hours of the night, say after midnight, sometimes still at 4-5am when I get up for work he can be extended as much as 3-4+ inches out of the sand. He's only about 1" diameter when nestled in normally.

I am thinking during the night when he's fully extended I'd really like to remove him from the glass and try to place him somewhere else where he can actually be seem, but I'm always afraid of forcing an animal (especially anenome) to relocate against their wishes.....
Well yesterday we overspent a bit. Lol

Rearranged the tank, I'm still trying to create a more visually appealing layout, getting closer but not there yet.

Added 6 new zoa frags, some pink diamonds and playboy bunnies for my wife's pink theme, and a torch because I really wanted more flow.

Threw in a voyager pump as well because I think the tank needed more flow.

After two hours of cleaning, rearranging, and my male clown chewing on my bracelet and wrist the whole time, the tank definitely seems improved.

Now these here were complete closed up when we bought them so figured let's give them a try. That was around Nov/Dec and they're now three separate healthy frags. Sorta a bland color, but also an interesting pop and my wife likes them, so win win lol

Looks great! I love the torch…don’t even want to know what that set you back. I bought one relatively recently, and it survived my tank crash (thankfully). As a matter of fact, it started out as two heads, and is slowly becoming three