Issue with Tunze website


New member
Hello, went to to order a couple of impellars for a 6025 Nanostream. Everything went along just fine until the enter your CC information page, I entered my card info and clicked place order when I got an error message asking me to please try again. I did so and got the same error message, I then clicked on a "cancel order" link which brought me back to the shopping cart page where everything was blank.

What happened and how can I be assured I didn't order the same stuff twice ?

Has my order been cancelled ?

I can be contacted at whowadat at charter dot net


date of order was today, 7/18 and time was 5 minutes ago, 7:10 pm cst.
I did receive your order so I think everything is fine, my guess would be it was some sort of browser compatibility issue or a pop blocker issue. The card info goes directly to the processor as German law forbids the info being stored or transmitted on our own servers. The site is run in Germany so it falls under German law for cc transactions which is quite strict.
Yes, besides that, they don't charge until I ship, the funds are only on hold at this time so it affects your credit limit, but not your balance. If I second order were to come through I would cancel it for you. But I only recieved one.
Tunze Osmolator Universal 3155

Tunze Osmolator Universal 3155

Hi Roger,

I am in the process of setting up a 300 gal reef with a 180 gal sump. I have setup a storage tank with R/O water in a shed outside the house where the holding tank is higher than the sump. I would like to use the Tunze Osmolator Universal 3155. My question is, Do I need to use the pump in the kit to feed my Kalk reactor which will then feed the sump to take care of evaporation, or can the reactor be gravity fed. If it can be gravity fed what do I use to control the flow into the reactor, after the sensors detect a drop in water level. I am open for suggestions and your help would be greatly appreciated.

You would have to pump up to the tank or the osmolator will not work. It will siphon once the pump has shut off and continue to fill until the reservoir water level is equal to that of the sump or end point of the hose. I would recommend connecting the kalk reactor in line and dosing to the aquarium above the height of the water level in the reservoir. Keep in mind that the osmolator includes about 9ft of cord for the pump and 9ft of hose and ideally this is not exceded. Also, the reservoir volume should be viewed as the fourth and final safety and I would stick to a volume that suffices for 1 week of top off.