Hello, went to Tunze.com to order a couple of impellars for a 6025 Nanostream. Everything went along just fine until the enter your CC information page, I entered my card info and clicked place order when I got an error message asking me to please try again. I did so and got the same error message, I then clicked on a "cancel order" link which brought me back to the shopping cart page where everything was blank.
What happened and how can I be assured I didn't order the same stuff twice ?
Has my order been cancelled ?
I can be contacted at whowadat at charter dot net
date of order was today, 7/18 and time was 5 minutes ago, 7:10 pm cst.
What happened and how can I be assured I didn't order the same stuff twice ?
Has my order been cancelled ?
I can be contacted at whowadat at charter dot net
date of order was today, 7/18 and time was 5 minutes ago, 7:10 pm cst.