for humidity i run a dehumidifier 24/7, from Home Depot. I also installed a bathroom type cieling vent fan that runs 24/7 as well. Humidity is not an issue. temp in the room runs about 80. I add top off water about every other week, roughly 30 gallons. My salinity stays the same between top offs. the fake stone was bought from a local brick/block dealer here in omaha, not sure who made it but could find out if anybody wants some. After you build something you always look back and re-think ideas and a front viewing panel would be nice but my concern was leaks and 1000+ gallons of water on my floor. all that being said you can really see the inhabitants well and i do have a colt coral, green star polyp and sebae anemone and can view them along the island quite well. the majority of it is sand with a island on the one end, still waiting for the ray to show up. thought about a shark but think he'll eat the chromis over time and since they can be shy i feel i wouldn't get as much joy out one. there is 350# of live and lace rock and 900# of aragonite