I got nothin'
I'm done I think.
My old tank, if you recall, cracked on the bottom and I had to change tanks to a 75g a few years ago.
Well I came home today and noticed my powerheads weren't working. I opened the cabinet to find water all over the place which had shorted out the power head controller.. I looked and it seems like water is slowly leaking out from under the center brace on the bottom.
How, why does a tank that's been set up for over 3 years suddenly start leaking?
Im done. Tommorrow I'm going to put the animals in buckets, drain the tank and get rid of it. My luck sucks.
My old tank, if you recall, cracked on the bottom and I had to change tanks to a 75g a few years ago.
Well I came home today and noticed my powerheads weren't working. I opened the cabinet to find water all over the place which had shorted out the power head controller.. I looked and it seems like water is slowly leaking out from under the center brace on the bottom.
How, why does a tank that's been set up for over 3 years suddenly start leaking?
Im done. Tommorrow I'm going to put the animals in buckets, drain the tank and get rid of it. My luck sucks.