I've sprung a leak...again


I got nothin'
I'm done I think.

My old tank, if you recall, cracked on the bottom and I had to change tanks to a 75g a few years ago.

Well I came home today and noticed my powerheads weren't working. I opened the cabinet to find water all over the place which had shorted out the power head controller.. I looked and it seems like water is slowly leaking out from under the center brace on the bottom.

How, why does a tank that's been set up for over 3 years suddenly start leaking?

Im done. Tommorrow I'm going to put the animals in buckets, drain the tank and get rid of it. My luck sucks.
I found out (the hard way) that any flaw in the support structure can transfer stresses to the glass. This can be expansion/contraction of wood over time depending on the environment.
Even minute leaks or just moisture can have grave effects.

This hobby can be brutal, but at least it was not a complete tank failure.

Now I rebuild and upgrade every 5 years, strengthen stands internally, to too much to lose.

20 years later, 4th rebuild, still dry......or just lucky maybe.....
Sorry to hear that. Are there any similarities between the two leaks? Tank location or something?

None that I can tell at this point. I'll have to look when it comes down.

Here's my plan for the day.

The pet store opens 1-5 only on Sunday so.

1: get some fish bags and buckets.
2: work from the top of the rock putting corals in bags and taking live rock out and putting it in buckets.
3: work to the bottom getting out as many corals and inverts that I can.
4: net the fish and get them in bags.
5: put all the bags in a separate bucket so all the livestock I'm turning in will be in a single bucket.
6: drive it all to the store and get store credit for all of it.
7: come home and siphon the rest of the water out of the tank.
8: cut the lines as short as I can cut them to the basement
9: cap all the lines.
10: start fixing the drywall
Pet store has a 75g and stand for 250.....

Tempted to swap them


So what if I break the tank down, turn everything in for store credit, and upgrade lol.
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Get an older used tank.. Modern tabk are trash... Thin *** glass needing braces everywhere crappy thin silicone seals...

Petsnarts 150s fir example are prone to leaks due to how thin the seals are for such a large tabk.

I have a 37 year 135 gallon.. Guess what it has no braces on the bottom or top because it has 1
2 inch thick glass.
Get an older used tank.. Modern tabk are trash... Thin *** glass needing braces everywhere crappy thin silicone seals...

Petsnarts 150s fir example are prone to leaks due to how thin the seals are for such a large tabk.

I have a 37 year 135 gallon.. Guess what it has no braces on the bottom or top because it has 1
2 inch thick glass.

I just wonder why both of these broke like this.
Did your tanks had a wave-makers? Or some type of pulsing power heads? Some people say those guys slowly wear the silicone seams as pressure on them constantly fluctuates.
Sorry to hear of your leak. There is nothing worse in this hobby than looking at a tank with airspace where there should be water.
I think I’m going to just leave up the mantis tank and take a break from the reef for a while.
nobody likes a quitter...


Pick up the towel, get the 125 and dive back in. Buy a foam mat to take the pressure off the bottom and distribute the weight evenly
Buy a foam mat to take the pressure off the bottom and distribute the weight evenly

I will not set up an aquarium without a Styrofoam sheet between the stand and tank. I found this out the hard way. Hell, I find EVERYTHING out the hard way. :furious:

I wish I could learn something new without getting injured, costing me money, or both.