Jackson's 115 Gallon Custom Cube 32x32x26

I remember that pic of your tenuis waay back when you first started getting the red. Was an amazing shot!
That pic was a forerunner to the crazy tenuis craze.

Yup, but I hate the way it turned out. Blue LED pics with orange gel filters, digital white balance on top of it.... guys really bought a unicorn, a very expensive one too. This was the real color that I had https://youtu.be/5vghMKwY7LQ


If you want a 10K halide, nothing comes close to XM 10K 250 watt. Sadly they dont make them anymore but I have a few in storage that I can spare.
The PAR readings of them are off the chart and not yellow as Ushios which is why I love them.


oooooo I would gladly purchase one from you! I'll send a PM.

thinking about adding sand back to my tank after seeing yours. Seems like every couple years I go back to it. Do you vacuum the sand?

I don't clean the sand. Flow keeps stuff from settling, wrasses always digging, sand sifters help also I guess.

+1 my all time favorite bulb with a reeflux 12k and radium tied for second.

I have the reeflux 10k and 12k but at 400w I can't balance out the spectrum. Looks weird pink/yellow. When I run these bulbs at 250w color is much better.