Rich, I'm so sorry to hear that the tank had a meltdown. Hopefully at least your wife and new baby are doing well and you've been enjoying family life.
I don't recall which frags I got from you, I think the Tubbs Purple Hulk, a purple montipora with green polyps, and a Spongodes, but I'd be more than happy to send frags back your way as you're rebuilding. No luck on the pearlberry though, it just didn't grow as fast as it's tankmates and was overrun. That Tubbs Purple Hulk though has grown to be my centerpiece colony in my nano and is huge (though not especially purple). Let me know if you'd like any of those and I'll try to make it out to Rockaway again.
Thanks brother family is doing well, and it's a lot of fun, but a big change in lifestyle as it be expected. When my tank started going downhill I put a bunch of frags in a few buddies tanks so I have enough to start growing this out. Still a few more frags to add but I am definitely going to limit the amount of stylos and montis in the tank, especially encrusting montis. They do grow much faster than delicate acros and space becomes an issue. I'd rather see big acro colonies with space between them. I'm not sure which one is the tubs purple hulk? You mean Tubs montipora stellata? Its the green and purple one.
Hey buddy. Sorry about the meltdown. The frags growing out look great and Im sure the tank as a whole will be back to looking awesome soon enough.
Well, Rich despite the meltdown, the come back is impressively under way!
Gorgeous top downs.
The pe on that millie is just ridiculous!
Thanks guys. Many of these corals came from my tank while it was doing poorly, so they were very messed up with recession and poor color. This reboot is responding like when I first started this talk in the first place. SPS have shown instant rebound, no more recession. PE and color keeps improving so I have good expectations. We'll see.
The scape looks a lot better in person than in the pic. It's hard to tell with a 32" depth, but there's a lot of breaks and open structure in the scape. From a head on angle it looks like a pile of rock. I think the coral growth will bring the 3D view in eventually.
So, I made a few changes to this system. While the tank was running previously not doing well, in despair, I removed the marine pure media in my sump, all the aluminum leeching jargon had me worried. Well that didn't fix anything but my nitrates did shoot up, so I can tell you that the 4x8 block definitely denitrates well. I replaced the media with rock rubble from Premium Aquatics (that was at least good quality :lmao
In the move I left the old sump rock rubble and replaced display rock + sandbed. I have also switched carbon schemes. I am dosing ESV Transitions Plus daily 6ml. This is a pretty new ESV product. It's Holding nitrates at 5ppm and definitely seeing that increased kind of PE that I only see on carbon dosed tanks. I believe it's carbon source is vitamin C. When I dose the 6ml it brings my PH down a whole point, so I guess that's why the specify to dose when light come on.
I am also dosing vibrant bacteria 10ml per week. These additives are super cheap in comparison to prodibio or other schemes. We'll see how it work out long term, so far so good. No cyano, or even diatom since transferring. Usually I get an outbreak of both when I start new systems, especially since I had a lot of fish that I transferred into a new system. Bio-load is on the heavy side. I think I have like 17 fish.
I'll post an update pic in a month or two, hopefully with some colorful, larger corals :thumbsup: