Yeah Yeah
LOL, I'll post an update soon. The tank is doing well.
Thanks Wazzel, hard to tell from the pic but the frags are doing well coloring up more each day. More importantly all STN has stopped and mostly regrown in the 2 weeks being in the new system. Good sign, hopefully I can keep it steady :roll eyes:
IMG_0442 by rich colombo, on Flickr
IMG_0448 by rich colombo, on Flickr
IMG_0447 by rich colombo, on Flickr
IMG_0443 by rich colombo, on Flickr
And here's 50b's the $8 per lb monando rock from premium Aquatics What a waste :roll eyes:
IMG_0275 by rich colombo, on Flickr
Amazing pictures. Thanks for the update.
Good to see an update Rich, colors look really good.
I see a Katropora.
Fantastic picture update! I'll have to cone by again soon... Once my tank is stabilized. I have to get a color palette ready so I can plan my choices. Those corals are out of this world colorful.
Really glad to see things are doing well rich:beer::beer:
What mode do you have your vortechs on?
Thanks Mark. That's actually a very old school acro "Kedds yellow Bali" acro. It looks greenish under the 20k Radium, but back in the early 2000's we ran 10k halides. Color is bright yellow under 10k. I actually ordered a 10k Ushio bulb but for some reason it wouldn't fit into the mogul socket in my spectra??? Weird
Very cool. I regret not getting into the hobby sooner, I know very little about some of the older acros. Red Robin is the oldest known named that I have. Well, the slimer I suppose, but that doesn't count.
Nice shots, Rich. Corals look super happy.
Jealous of your OT! Just can't seem to get that up here not true OT, anyways. Lots of super blue gomezi that can look like it but not the real thing, I don't think.
You have some very promising frags in there!
Incredible looking corals - congrats Rich!
Jackson you just reminded me I bought some ushio bulbs and they wouldn't fit into my soligfoi halide fixtures! I gotta call them, have you asked them about a refund yet?
Tanks looking great! Still have that nice tenuis?
Yea, i sent bulb back to Premium Aquatics and they refunded with no problem. I still have the tenuis but lost the red on it. Working on getting it to color up again I think I have to move it to a better spot.
If you want a 10K halide, nothing comes close to XM 10K 250 watt. Sadly they dont make them anymore but I have a few in storage that I can spare.
The PAR readings of them are off the chart and not yellow as Ushios which is why I love them.