January Meeting? Where and when??

Hey, would you guys be interested in doing a frag swap mid to the end of January in Augusta? I've been talking to a few people that might want to come up from BRS to swap with us?

I'm all about it, and can be responsible for finding us a venue, if every one wants to go for it?

I can't wait untill the next meeting I missed not having one this month. Where in augusta would it be Laurie..

Count me in as long as I don't have a scheduling conflict. I've got frags up to my ears and need to make some room or get another tank. MTS??

Sounds awesome, I have some stuff I wanted to frag anyways!

Hey Matt, I'm thinking about fragin that green kenya tree that I got from you. Any tips?

When I got real agressive fragging that one I had issues. I did have luck for quite some time just cutting off pieces, spearing them with a small plastic peice which I glued to the rock (The Hiller method he demonstrated).

Another method that worked was to get a small jagged rock and zip tie it to the rock. Over the course of a couple weeks one can gradually increase the pressure on the zip tie and it cuts the desired arm.
I'm thinking I'll spear a toothpick through a smaller branch, then slice it off with a razor blade. These guys seem to shrink up pretty quickly once disturbed. Thanks for the advice, this should be fun!
Not sure what SPS frags we will have there yet. Would you guys liek to start a thread that folks can update to with what they are bringing??
if I get enough notice I'd love to get some frags... I've got a 75 gal that needs some more stuff.. i'm looking more for softies and the such... the 75 is a softie/lps tank...
so shrooms, Zoas, leathers, anthelia and the such would be mu preference.
I will have some pocillipora and possibly some leptoseris to frag.
Sounds awesome. Want to be there. Sissy & Deb, share ride? I'll clean my van out. Mitz
Anyone from around here, I can load up to 6 people and still have room for goodies.
I'm waiting for confirmation from the venue before announcing it for sure. Will post as soon as I get confirmation!! Hopefully by mid week this week.

OK, so I heard back from UMA and the UM in Portland. They couldn't do it for free, and want to charge us $80-100 for a Saturday date (I'm trying for the 20th or 27th) for 4 hours 12-4pm.

I have switched gears because that was more money than I think we should spend on it, and am now looking at hotel conference rooms- will keep this thread posted.
