Japanese neon green Toadstool

I believe the OP is talking about the neon green leather in Jacob D's previous pic. Not the more common Green Polyp Toadstool like the Tyrees, ORA's, etc.

The reason these guys are so rare and expensive, is that oddly for a leather, they are EXTREMELY slow growers.

I know a Coral Farmer who got a small one to grow out, and after a year or two it has barely doubled in size.

I kinda think they are the "Orange Envy Zoa" of the leather world.

They are really nice looking leathers though.

I think you hit the nail on the head. So how does their coral look after a year? Same color?
Is this the coral?


If so, I can't believe that they're "Everywhere"... even in SOCAL. They're definitely rare up here in NORCAL bay area and our scene is pretty much the same as down by LA.

That picture is from thecaptivereef.com. Here is the link for the coral:

wow, i can see why they are so rare with that price tag. Not saying that I wouldn't throw down $175 bucks for it if I had the money. Its just such a sweet coral.
I have this coral........TCR used to be a Sponsor on another site, and he had a couple frags on sale for $135 shipped a few months ago. The green color becomes strong when the leather gets larger.
Agreed, the guy I know who has had one for a while now, says the color stays at least as green, possibly even brighter now than originally.

Just practically zilch for growth. It's a shame, I'd love to get my hands on a big colony! Minus the big price tag of course.
I have this coral........TCR used to be a Sponsor on another site, and he had a couple frags on sale for $135 shipped a few months ago. The green color becomes strong when the leather gets larger.

I have a piece of that colony as well. Honestly, I was disappointed by the color. Its definitely all green, but it's a very light, washed out green. Extraordinarily slow growing too, though I knew that going in to it.

AcroporAddict, what kind of lighting is yours under that it actually kept the pictured color?

And to the OP- TCR is the only place I've seen a leather with this kind of color available. Believe me, I searched for nearly 2 years before finally biting the bullet and buying my frag from him.
I also have a frag of the Japanese leather and got it from Mike at the Captive Reef. I agree with everyone else that it is a slow grower. When I got it, it was dime sized. It has grown a little and is probably the size of a nickel. I think the main difference between this and the Tyree is that the Japanese leather has a green base where the Tyree leather is more creme colored.
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Beautiful! But aren't japanese corals illegal to export?

Stony corals are. Soft corals can technically be legal, provided not so much as a grain of sand is attached to them and that they have the proper permits.

The last bit is important because USF&W has become aware of the large numbers of corals for sale in the US trade sold as "japanese", and they've compared their permit records and determined that there simply aren't permits in existance for more than a very small percentage of the total number. While I and many others figure the reason for this is simple - the dealers are lying, labelling the coral as japanese as a means of inflating the price and making more of a profit - USF&W is taking it seriously and investigating.
Here's a pic of mine. This pic is over a year old. Its bigger and "greener" now. Its attached to a main rock. would i be able to cut it in my main tank?

i got a piece the size of a dime a yr ago, and its grown to the size of a nickel.... the frags go for 200.00 per... pm me i can get you intouvh with someone who has a frag avail
still have not seen any out there of mine tho... Green with white polyps. I'll try and post another pic/updated later on today.

Left is the green skin with white polyps. I got this from Tonga shipment, only one pc in many normal looking leathers. When it's closed, the skin looks exactly like the one posted by Maximus.

Right is supposedly Japanese toadstool with slightly pink skin.

Will take another pic when both of them are closed.

Somehow I think these corals are not found only in Japan.
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