Japanese neon green Toadstool

This is probably my favorite leather



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Wow, I had no idea these were in such high demand and considered so rare. There was a vendor at the ReefStock event in Denver last year that had a bunch of frags of that coral for $20 -$30. They called it the "Yin Yang" Toadstool because the cap was green and the polyps were white-- the opposite of the common Neon Green toadstool. They were interesting but the green color was a bit pale & weak, IMO.
Thread resurrection. Here's a pic of mine. Finally got around to getting a couple pics of this one. Got it back in 2003 or so from The Captive Reef. Story behind it is that about a week after I got it, I fragged it into 3 pieces. I know, way too early. But back then I didn't know what I do now about fragging. Cut it in half, then cut one of the halves in half. I ended up losing all of it except for one of the 1/4s. And that one shrank down to about the size of a pencil eraser before it quit dying. I paid $$$ for it, so I was really sweating it as I watched it wither away. Luckily the small piece made it. Now, about 8 years later, I have only fragged it a couple times, and this is all the bigger the biggest frag of the 3 I have is.

It is the slowest growing toadstool I have ever seen. Up side is it is also the brightest green polyp I have seen by far. My Tyree is crazy bright too, but does not have the green all the way down the polyp like this guy. When the polyps retract, the whole cap glows green, the polyps are so bright. The below pic of the closed polyps do not do the cap justice. It is quite a bit brighter green to the eye.

Pics taken under 14K MH.


I have one I got a few months back. I have kept it in low light and it seems to be growing at a faster rate than most. Its at least three times the size it was when I got it. But in low light it loses the green on the cap. The polyps extend much longer as well. I will try to get a pic of it in the next day or two.
Any updates to this thread? I just bought a dime sized one from a guy who got his from Mike.

Any advice on placement, etc?
hahah thanks for starting this thread i picked up a toadstool not to long ago, and the green polyps always confused me because i couldnt find anyone else with a green toadstool. well i guess i know what it is now. are they rare? and i payed $15 for mine, was that a fair price?
I bought two from the ReefStock vendor that SeaPug mentioned. One green with white polyps and one with the green polyps.

I have probably a dozen of them now.

Unlikely to be the really rare/valuable ones, I'd guess.

Planning to offer all these babies up for free on my local forum.

Either way, visitors frequently comment on them. Pretty.
I would like to bump this thread.

Are these still hard to get??

Any updates? I'd love to get a frag of the Japanese green toadstool.....
Brighter than the tyree. The entire polyp AND the cap is neon green. Adult size has a cap about half dollar sized and it grows crazy slow. I am growing several of them out. They also like high light, like the Fiji and Tonga yellow leathers.
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Just wanted to give an update:

I was able to get a nice frag of this beautiful toadstool from fellow RC member Zeppelin! Plus I was able to get one at a very fair and reasonable price. Not some inflated prices like some charge.

This is what the hobby is supposed to be about....

A big thanks to Zepp
I'm glad someone bumped this thread. This is my biggest and nicest coral in my tank. Have it over 2 1/2yrs now. When i first got it, it was about 2" and now it has grown to over 12". I have 2 frags (1") that i am trying to grow out right now.
Will post some pics later
If its that big, its not the same coral. The emerald green Japanese toadstool is a dwarf, only getting a cap size of about 3-4" or so.
hey...maybe you guys can help me ID the species of sarcophyton leather in this pic (it is sarcophyton, right?)

got it from RR through an LFS a few days ago....sold to me as a Japanese leather....the odd thing is the polyp extension is INSANELY long....what you see in the pic here is only about half of what it can do. It's almost like the length of the weeping willow leather. The other thing is the ends of the polpys don't seem to have tentacles in that they're so tiny they are barely visible.

ALSO, the tips are more of a purplish colour. Neon green all the way through, even the cap.

Let me know if you need more pics.


I also have the Tyree Jap toadstool (neon green polyps with cream-coloured base)....and I have a Palau neon green toadstool (also from RR about 7 years ago)..and this guy is not even close to either in morphology

any idea?