Japanese tanks...(revived)


Premium Member
I remember a thread a while back showing Japanese tanks.
Let's see some more pics of some of these masterpieces.
I am hoping someone has found some more interesting tanks that they can share pictures of here.
I will start it off...


This one is built entirely on man-made live rock.
Wow, I really like the look of that tank. I would also like to do an all man-made rock tank at some point. I guess this shows that it can be done well. Does anyone know how the rocks in the that tank were created?

Bring on the pics!
I personally dont like the look of these 'sanitary' tanks. Although I do appreciate the husbandry invloved in keeping that tank sooo clean, I would rather sit in front of my tank anyday to look and stare. Much more 'closer' to a real reef.
i agree with Nek.
that is a beautiful tank, but it just doesnt seem as interesting as a "less organized" reef. I like to discover something new every time i look at my tank, and with a tank like the one pictured, i dont think that would happen so often. just my humble opinion. I would like to see a tank like that with my own eyes though, that opinion might change.
these two are much more interesting than the first, i think.
i like both of them, they sure have that oriental look. That equipment "compartment" is pretty amazing!
I must admit, I'm pretty impressed with the equipment pic... Very clean and organized...
I will bite on this sterile topic:D. I think that alot of Japanese tanks are just different from our tanks. They view the algae on the glass as obscuring the corals inside. Other than that and the fact that they have moved away from the fruitstand approach to aquascaping they are not much different from Euro/American tanks that we have grown to love.
...and let us not forget the ever-popular and amazing goodies:eek1: , sometimes these are more amazing than the tanks!
Sorry for being a post-hog, but I gotta show you guys the rest of this set-up. This guy could lauch the space-shuttle from his sump.:D
Anybody know what the small fish are in the first and last tank pictures? The small school of fish looks nice.
Anyone care to ID some of the equipment in the above pics? Does anyone know the launch code?
I honestly think, the tanks look ridiculous. They don't look natural, they lack a certain sense of aesthetic ruggedness to them that makes reef tanks so "Fun".
tho my tank looks nothing like those. i love the way those tanks look too

the pics nardis and terra ferma posted are amazing. i would love to have a tank like that.