Japanese tanks...(revived)

Grandis -

You say what you say, because your jelous of what you can't have. From the sounds of it, if its not handed to you or you have to work for it, you don't beleive it. I hate to say that, but just because something looks so beautiful and picture perfect, does not mean that its fake.

On a lighter note.. Japanese use FUJI FILM! :) hehe Nocks the socks off Kodak!
Now I also think the CP farm pic is fake because I don't know too many people or shops that can keep Denros alive for any significant period of time or for that matter, keep sponges from collecting algae so high up in the light. I think that it is eye candy for the company. However I may be wrong:( . The pics I posted were from a guy who kept an very explicit journal that was updated every month from setup to present. When I find the sight I will post it. In the mean time...Speaking of EYE CANDY:smokin: GroTech Basin 3
Dunno. Mind if i post an uncharacteristic analysis?

The first two tank pics...looks like they were just set up. Look at the sand next to the glass. I'm not buying that they're successful tanks. Do you see a single worm trail in the sand? Coraline on the silicone? Macro algae? What about the tank with the Dendros up high, near the macroalgae. Dendros in a 'sanitary' tank, LOL!

Look at the second tank. Think they scraped all the diatoms/coraline, that _better_ be growing there, without disturbing the SPS? Not!

Is this a Marc Weiss ad? ;)

I think the wool has been pulled over all of your eyes. Sure, the top of the sand can look like that, as Ironreef pointed out, but not the sand next to the glass. (Unless you vacum and scrape there, LOL!)

Reef husbandry is more than spending a few bucks, slapping some critters in a tank, and patting yourself on the back for your 24 hours of 'success'. And a tank that sterile would worry me. I don't want a tank with no diatoms or coraline.

You should have pity and understanding for the poor souls who use the 'tech' approach. Sure, pumps, lights, and a skimmer are great, but not a launch pad of dosing pumps. For what? To measure coral-vite? No algae, but they're dosing Kent Iron supplements! LOL!

Rather than praising their husbandry, I'd expect a few folks to be outraged. I wonder what happens to the SPS during the new tank phases. SPS and cyano!

It's nice we don't have the tanks owner as a board member. I won't be flaming anybody by suggesting that they might be in charge of the japanese whaling industry, and are claiming that this is for 'research purposes' too! LOL!

Think I'm just jaded? I think I want to play poker with you believers!

But...I want a few of those SPS frags!
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"Grandis -

You say what you say, because your jelous of what you can't have. From the sounds of it, if its not handed to you or you have to work for it, you don't beleive it. I hate to say that, but just because something looks so beautiful and picture perfect, does not mean that its fake."

hehehe. I don't believe that no one can do that and maintain like that for long periods of time. It's just impossible. It is fake picture, I'm sorry. Anyone can do that kinda pic if they want to, yes. Just set up and take a pic. of it, and that's it. :) Yes, simple.

...but let's look the pics and stop argue about the reality of fake, ok? ;) It's ok to see more pics, they are beutiful! :) It is not my intention to flame them nor stop them to come. I love the colors and I admire they're culture, and again, I respect them. Oh, I like Fuji also, but prefer kodak, yes.
Sure, sorry, nardis. I'm a non-believer about a lot of things. (OK, I had too much fun w/the previous post ;) )

Love the acros tho! And the SPS crabs! Keep those pics coming!
Well Japanese tanks are ok but I will take an American reef tank any day:
You know what? I was thinking how could a guy clean the sand in front of the display without messing up with the rest of it. One can make a little glass box and protect the denitrification system (like a little aquarium under the sand). Glue that box on the bottom glass of the tank and set up the system normally. Then, when wanna take the nice pics could vacuum just the part that the sand is in front/sides, out of the glass box, and clean it. Returning the clean sand after clean the glasses it will look like those tanks. The narrow the space for the part that you can clean, the more denitrification we have, inside the box, protected of the vacuum. I guess a space of 1" between the front/side glass and the denitrification system would do it and wouldn't harm anything for the system if that sand is properly cleaned. And using glass to make that box we could still see, when removing the sand to clean, how our denitrification system is doing. Maybe they do that way. And they wouldn't need to spend those hours either.
Japanese are famous to clean their fresh water systems too. remember those clean pics of the planted tanks without algae on the plants? That's theirs style. :D
Has anyone ever seen any of these tanks in person?? My brother in law, who works for IBM has. He frequents Japan several times during the year, and he say these tanks are very popular in restaurants. Talking with some of the help, he was told these tanks are changed out monthly, if not sooner. To them, the livestock is expendable-- treated as art on a wall. This explains the cleanliness. Im not saying all Japanese tanks are like this, but this is what I was told.
Are we all still in awe of all the pictures??

I guess what I would rather see is some progressive growth pics, or read some details on cleaning practices in order for me to appreciate these pictures. (Maybe I should take up Japanese!!)

Imagine if a new member of RC posted a thread on this board with husbandry practices like above....how would he/she be treated??
I worked for a tank manufacturing business and before I left they were finishing up a medium sized project.

The tank was 50' long 2' deep and 18" tall. The tank was being sent to a japanese sushi bar and restaurant in New York. The thing is, it was going to be set up as a reef.

Now tell me if you had the money wouldn't you?

The thing that seems strange about the tank pictures is the type of lighting. You can see on one of the reflections that a red, from my eyes looks like a flood light, is used above. Strange but I guess it works. Also the second picture you can see the bright yellow light reflecting off the wall. I guess they took the advice of FULL SPECTRUM to a whole new place.

Anyways the tanks do look good but personally I would love to see more close ups of the corals. When taking pictures closer one can tell the health of the corals a whole lot more.
The tank was 50' long 2' deep and 18" tall. The tank was being sent to a japanese sushi bar and restaurant in New York. The thing is, it was going to be set up as a reef.

50' Fifty FEET! Long? That is pretty incredible.

The thing that seems strange about the tank pictures is the type of lighting.

Can you imagine lighting a 50' reef tank. That is staggering.

I guess they took the advice of FULL SPECTRUM to a whole new place.

I think for the most part we Western Reefr's are not very open to different ways of doing things and accomplishing the same if not getting better results. After all the sun contains all the colors of the spectrum in its light and yet we try contain our systems to only the blue spectrum and call this the best or only way of being successful.

Getting back to the 50' tank. Where in NY is this sushi bar and does anyone here live in NY and has seen this tank?
I dunno about you guys, but if I spent as much time maintaining my tank as I do reading flame threads (not this one) on this board, my tank would be just as clean :D

Very meticulous. Very clean, very appealing to me.

If only I could get the mess of cords I have running all over the place to look as tidy. Geez.

Thanks again for reviving this. Keep in mind, diff'rent strokes for different folks. I think the nail was hit on the head with the directional lighting.

Seems to me I saw some tanks yesterday while surfing some of the japanese sights that use HQI for the bulk of the lighting, and actual clip-on lamps for some highlighting. Very strange.

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i beleive that the "regular" hobbiest's in japan have tanks that look pretty much like the "average" reef tank over hear,a rock wall and a bunch of algea on the back glass.
i pretty much know for sure that the pics on the c.p.farm website were only set up for competition ,hence the clean look.i suspect the same goes for the other "clean " japanese tanks.
Here is a pic of what appears to be a little more established tank. It has algae on the sand near the front glass. I think cleaning the sand befor the picture is as simple as turning it over a bit. As far as coralline algae, who knows; a close up pic would explain a lot.