Japanese weeping scorpion fish


New member
I want to the local LFS today and he had a japanese weeping scorpion fish, he claimed these are very rare and are almost never sold in the USA. He had it priced at 1k.

Anyone know anything about this fish?
Dont know anything but heres a pic for refrence

And heres a link to an artical with some info about them
Yeap thats it, very odd and cool looking fish, $1000 I told him good luck finding someone to buy it.
I think they will sell it. Lots of freshwater folks pay mega bucks for rare arowanas or koi.....way more than $1000!
It comes down to waiting for someone who HAS TO HAVE the fish walking into the store, but I bet it sells pretty fast...
A few of our local wholesalers here have brought them in recently. They are actually priced pretty cheap and I know a few stores that were selling them for like $400-$500. Not that many people with tanks for fish like that so they are not really selling even at that price.
both of the posts you sent me too didn't say anything about the argolibas except he had never seen it in the north american industry, sorry, but this one is rare. if you do know for sure that anyone has it i would appreciate their phone number. thanks
Keys Island in Denver had 2 that looked like that. Each was a different color. I think they were priced at $1,500 each, but it has been a while since I was there.
FYI there is a store in Palm Harbor flordia which has a pretty sweet Rhinopias priced at $300. This fish was the coolest when i worked there. No one liked it, but i kinda took him under my wing and helped to make him plump.