JapanReef - 450 gallon In-Wall system

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Just a quick post to say I hope you've not been hit by Typhoon 14 too bad. Been watching all the pictures of landslides/houses washed away etc and hoping it's not you!

Kyushu's beautiful, but dangerous in August/September!

Hehe, I am going to japan in the next few months. Want me to bring some reef stuff over on the plane and then the train? hehe.

Seriously, that's a big house for japan.

I've never been down south in Japan, only Yokohama/Tokyo and up to Hokkaido.... you should set up a b&b for reefers when the tank is setup. (ryokan?)
Re: JapanReef - 450 gallon system Endeavour

Re: JapanReef - 450 gallon system Endeavour

NexDog said:
And the project is born. :thumbsup:

So the main equipment:

Deltec 902 Skimmer
PFO hood (3 x 400k Hamilton 14k moguls with 4 x 140w VHO)
3 Sequence Darts (closed loops)
1 PanWorld 100PX-X (return)
2 Iwaki 30RLXT (chiller and skimmer)
2 OM 4-Way units
1 OM Super Squirt
Arctica 1/2hp Chiller
Korallin Calcium Reactor 3002
AquaMedic Kalk Reactor

wow. looks like a good setup.

btw. how much does land cost in that area of japan, anyway?:eek2: :confused:
Nursing a monster sized hangover today. This country is so steeped in tradition and alot of them involve drinking copius amounts of alcohol. :D

When the roof goes on they have this ceremony called "Mune Age" (mu-ne a-ge - 'raising the roof'). They put this huge sign on top of the roof that signals to the neighbourhood that the ceremony is going to be that day. When everyone gathered, I climbed on the roof with the carpenters, some guys from the building company and my father-in-law and we threw candy, rice cakes and coins down onto the crowd below after drinking half a bottle of saki. Kids love this ceremony for obvious reasons. :)

We put boards down over the floor joists and in the evening about 40 people came over and we all got drunk as hell inside the house. I'll post some pics later and I have some updates on the tank and my concept of half sand half BB method that I'll be using.
NexDog said:
When the roof goes on they have this ceremony called "Mune Age" (mu-ne a-ge - 'raising the roof'). They put this huge sign on top of the roof that signals to the neighbourhood that the ceremony is going to be that day. When everyone gathered, I climbed on the roof with the carpenters, some guys from the building company and my father-in-law and we threw candy, rice cakes and coins down onto the crowd below after drinking half a bottle of saki. Kids love this ceremony for obvious reasons. :)

We have something similar over here but a bit more simplified, and it comes about quicker in the building process too!
It's called a slab party. Basically, once the concrete slab has been poured. (and dried!).
Simply gather friends, a few slabs of beer, park yourself on the pad and consume!:D

Mine's in about 2 weeks:thumbsup: :dance:
Tom, we did okay in the typhhon. It hit hard on Monday night but it was pretty much here on Monday morning to Tuesday evening because it didn't move fast. Lots of people lost electricity, cable and there was bad flooding in Miyazaki city. My sister-in-law lives closer to Miyazaki and they lost water too. We got off lucky and I didn't even lose my cable connection. :)

rulesmith - tough question on the skimmer! I'd say the Deltec 1003 but at $3,119.00 I doubt I would have bought it even if I knew my system volume was going to end up at 450 gallons. The BarrAquatic SK5220 at a modest $749 looks awesome but these dual beckett monsters need monster flow like a Sequence Hammerhead. As I opted for low flow through the sump, putting a Hammerhead on a skimmer would result in major overskimming (same water would go through 4 or 5 times on each pass through the sump). An asperating skimmer is the way to go on systems that don't have huge flow through the sump and the Bubble King is probably the king of asperating skimmers and the Bubble King 300 is rated for 800g at $2239 (AquariumObsessed).

I did give alot of thought to EuroReef recirculating skimmer and the CS12-5-RC rated for 700g at $1897.95 (MarineDepot) looks good. I'm just going to see how the Deltec 902 performs when I've stocked heavy and if I'm not satisfied, I'll get the BK or the EuroReef, install and compare.
massman - yep, sounds very similar. Drink a few slabs on the slab. :D

Are you building a fish room into your design?
Re: Re: JapanReef - 450 gallon system Endeavour

Re: Re: JapanReef - 450 gallon system Endeavour

chainsaw5vent said:
btw. how much does land cost in that area of japan, anyway?:eek2: :confused: [/B]
Land over here is measured in something caled "tsu-wo". One tsu-wo is 3.3m2 and 1 tsuwo costs around $750 USD down here. In urban areas the price is way higher and in Tokyo...forget about it. :p

Most people get land that is around 80 to 100 tsuwo and that doesn't leave much space - maybe a tiny patch of grass and a car port next to it - all for $75,000, lol. I think we have near 200 tsuwo which would cost $150,00 USD but we were given it as a gift from my wife's parents. That's why I can build something a little bigger than would be considered normal.
Yes I am mate.
Mines on the top floor and will be utilising natural sunlight as we have more sunny days per year than anywhere in the tropics.

It took a fair bit of engineering but its all good:D
So I thought I'd try and explain a bit about my concept for this tank. The whole BB thing has exploded lately and the case for BB over DSB is certainly logical. However, pristine white sand just looks great and the bottom of BB tanks can look a bit dirty in my opinion. The faux sandbed looks great but after six months it won't look like sand. It will be purple or brown which kind of defeats the purpose of making a bottom that looks lik sand. So I know I wanted sand but I also wanted BB. The system I decided on is not new and as I worked on it I found the OregonReef employed a similar method.

The idea is to have sand in only the viewable parts of the tank (in front of the rock). The area which houses the rock is BB and makes up at least 2/3 of the tank. I'm going to plumb in a closed loop on the bottom with two 1.5" bulkhead outlets on each side where I'll build the rock structure. I'm going to make rock racks out of PVC pipe and fix them into the bulkheads. Each rack will have about 10 3/4" locline nozzles and the flow through these will keep the area under the rack and between the rocks free of detritus build up. Here is a picture of one of the racks that Steve uses on OregonReef:


One thing that concerns me is potential sandstorms from the flow out of these racks. I decided to create a sand barrier that winds around the length of the tank where the rock will go. I may not have to implement this solution if I can just build up rock to make the barrier but no harm in being prepared.

The Mold:

What I did first was build the tank out of plywood and 2 by 4 and filled it with earth. I then sculpted out the shape of the rock structure that I had in mind. When I did this I still thought I was going 60" long but have since decided on 72". Anyhow, I can widen this barrier thing no problem.



I learned about aragocrete on Garf.org so tried to mimic their aragocrete recipe. Basically works out to be a 5:1 ratio of media to cement. I used:

1 x crushed shells (collected from the beach)
1 x crush coral and plastic shavings
3 x sand


I poured it in and didn't make enough!:


So another trip to the beach later:


The last pic has the back of the tank at the bottom and the racks will sit in the square area behind the barrier. The sand will be placed around the front (about 1"). The aragocrete came out a bit more grey and concrete like than I hope. Like I said, I might not use it if I can get the same effect with just live rock. If I do use it, it will soon colour up with coraline. I have it soaking in water now where it needs to stay for 2 months. I broke it up into pieces too to help the leach cure process.
Very nice- I like your mold/dirt work. I don't quite follow how this will work though- You will add the racks then place the concrete in the middle- Do you then fill sand from there to the front of the tank?

what pumps do you plan on using? i have darts running anf trust me you will never get 10 outputs per pump... i am using 1 dart and 4 pieces of loc-line and one one closed loop i decided to cut it down to 2 to get more flow... you will need a HUGE pump to get alot of water though 10 outputs... and each has to be identical or you wont get even flow.... just a thought.

Don't want to get to off topic, but nbd13, how much head do you have on the Dart? I have a Dart currently running on my tank that has about 4ft of head and a 30 ft run to tank and flow out of 2 loclines is pretty good. Plan on having another dart run my CL on my new 280 with 4 outputs, but head will only be 2ft and will have 6 outputs. I would think I will get good flow out of the 6.

I'm trying to visualize this. The S shape is the BB section?and the big dirt mounds were there just to help shape the valley where the Garf material was placed? It's confusing since the dirt looks like a beautiful landscape area that I thought you might be putting the argocrete over to help form the mold.
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