FW - Flat Worms, yep.
Marc, thanks so much for your post and you are so right. I have 10 acros now - all of a good size (i.e. not one branch frags). I won't be adding any more SPS for 2 months at least as I want to get the Vortechs in and get the flow going first. One exception is the Monti caps I have put on order. If I get a call on those I will put them in but only those. I know I've been moving fast but like I said before, it's not like I just dumped in 200lbs of uncured rock. I cured it and introduced it slowly. I've always treated my biological filter with care and attention. The rock went in 3 months ago, yes....
As for the fish, I had 7 in there to start. Six weeks ago I introduced two more (flame angel and juvie emperor). End of this week I'm introducing 6 more. Then the biological filter has 2 months to adjust and I'll be adding 5-6 more. So will have 20 fish at the 5-6 month mark in a 450g system where everything is introduced over time.
With the mandarins I'm trying to get them to eat baby brine at the moment. The pods have a fuge to breed and multiply in. If this shipment comes in okay I'll order another 4 bottles in 2 weeks too putting half in the fuge and half in the display.
I know it's not a race but I'm keen to get it to a point where I'm happy with it quickly and then let it develop and mature. I don't think I'm being over-zelous. I spend alot of time on RC and online researching everything. I guess time will tell if I've been foolhardy but right now it seems I'm doing okay. What I'm saying is that systems can be built quickly if it's done right and we this often on RC. I'm no pro but I've learned alot and continue to learn everyday.
Finally, on the biological front, Iwan's tank has 42 fish and his system is smaller than mine. I think I'll be going the Prodibio route as he says using those products is what enables him to have a high bioload. Fish-wise my bioload is tiny and at the end of this week I'll have 15 fish in there introduced over a four month period. A biolfilter is something that can develop very quickly so my fish stocking and stock list doesn't concern me in the least. Introducing 35-45 fish over the course of a year or more bears no risk to the biolfilter (IMO) and with products like Bioptim and Biodigest to help, I'm very positive that I can accomplish this.
So in summary, no more SPS for at least 2 months while I concentrate on the tank itself (flow and hooking up chiller). On the fish front, I'm kind of decided but open to arguments against my plan. I'm just sure the biolfilter ca keep up. I might not do the whole 45 fish on that list though because as the tank gets stock, I'll be continually re-evaluating the situation.
On to the Regal Angel. From what I've read in the Reef Fishes forum (where I spend alot of time), the general consensus that out of all the larger angels the Emperor and the Regal come with the least risks. But like with all fish, it depends on the fish. I really do love this fish. That and the Clown Tang are my favourites and I simply have to throw caution to the wind and try.
Lastly the water issue. Tap water is 0.68, the RODI comes out at 0.02 which is great. The reservoir where the RODI outputs to is 0.28. I do keep it covered as much as possible but I guess stuff has gradually built up. I'll scrub it down when that 50g is empty.