JAT's 240 gal (8x2x2') build (upgrade from 125 gal)

Here she is in her current state... (with only two of the four halides on);


Untouched Images taken with a Nikon D90, on a tripod. I'm SUPER new to this camera and photos, so bear with me!!
Tank dimensions are 8 feet wide.... so, you can get an idea on the 3" yellow tang when viewing. Love the long tanks (more than cubes for the viewing along a wall).

With 24" of space between front acrylic and back wall... you'd think I'd have left more "sand"... But I like the look of an actual Reef. So I pack it full of rock, and let the softies do their thing;

And one more... from an angle;
Last night, since I had the camera out and was already using the tripod.... I remembered it had video mode. I slung some filets on the BBQ, and while cooking came in and shot some quick video. Here's my ultra quick edit of that video;
(note: I only had 2 of the 4, 250W Halides on at the time - you'll see it's darker out towards the edges of the tank)

<iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ZEXToyOVidU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

ONCE I go LEDs... I'll make sure do another video, and see if the camera picks up the differences.
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With LEDs, as it sits a couple months ago - click on picture for full size view;
(coral growth is AMAZING, and I often have to trim corals every month rather then every three or four months)

Updated pictures were past due...

(which shots do you like best?? (Less white, or full light)

FULL TANK SHOT: (only half of my white LEDs on)

FULL TANK SHOT: (All white, all blue and all purple LEDs on)

LEFT SIDE: (only half of my white LEDs on)

LEFT SIDE: (All white, all blue and all purple LEDs on)

RIGHT SIDE: (only half of my white LEDs on)

RIGHT SIDE: (All white, all blue and all purple LEDs on)

I always have liked these "side shots", as they show depth;