JBJ Chiller Issues. Plz Help


New member
I just purchased a new 1/3 HP JBJ chiller and I'm having a problem w/ it.

For those who've haven't used it, the chiller temperature reading can be changed. So if your thermometer in the tank reads 78 and the chiller temp reads 76 or something, you can change it so chiller now thinks that the temp is 78.

Anyways, I did this today, cuz my in tank thermometer read 78 while the chiller read 76. But right after I made the chiller 78, it just kept moving higher on its own. It went up and up, then it would come back down, just fluctuate like crazy.

My tank is inside the house, while the chiller is hooked up in the sump which is placed outside of the house. I thought maybe this is the reason, but then again my older 1/5HP chiller that was hooked up the same way always read same as tank thermometer temp.

I just can't seem to set it so that it's close to the in tank thermometer reading. I understand they may be off by 0.1 or 0.2 degrees, but sometimes they are off by 2 degrees and that's BADDDD.

Has anyone had this issue?