JCole's box of rocks

I love your DYI skills and it makes for a very interesting thread.

Thank you! I don't know about skills other than throwing things together and hoping they work. :ROFLMAO: Sometimes I get lucky, and it turns out okay.
I’m really liking the COB cannon idea. It almost makes me second guess my recent lighting rebuild. Looking at your supply list, it’s surprisingly inexpensive for such an intense light.

It was less than $75 a light to make. Not bad at that price. What is nice is that they come in multiple colors and intensities. I am thinking of adding a couple of 20 or 30w blues to the mix if I don't utilize my T5's.
It was less than $75 a light to make. Not bad at that price. What is nice is that they come in multiple colors and intensities. I am thinking of adding a couple of 20 or 30w blues to the mix if I don't utilize my T5's.
Exactly! I love that you were able to find one in the 10-15000K range. Most that I’ve seen max out at 6500K. I’d probably consider the addition of the blue, or even violet. You could do those without the lens to get a more even color wash. I imagine those COBs with the optic lens will be more than enough in terms of PAR. In any case, once you start using a cannon or pendant style lighting system, the T5s just get in the way. Besides, no one even carries T5 bulbs anymore in my area.
Exactly! I love that you were able to find one in the 10-15000K range. Most that I’ve seen max out at 6500K. I’d probably consider the addition of the blue, or even violet. You could do those without the lens to get a more even color wash. I imagine those COBs with the optic lens will be more than enough in terms of PAR. In any case, once you start using a cannon or pendant style lighting system, the T5s just get in the way. Besides, no one even carries T5 bulbs anymore in my area.

I have (6) 4-bulb fixtures left over from my original system. I am thinking of using four of those fixtures filled with just actinic and blue plus. Hopefully, that would add a little more blue while picking up the lower end of the spectrum. I already have four of the 100w cannons installed and once the tank is filled then I will see how they look with the T5s. I can always add more cannons down the road.
Morning everyone! I wanted to run something by you all and get your opinion.

My plan is to install the new 100-gallon sump in the room with the display tank and set up the tank separately from my existing system. I want to get the 300-gallon sump out of the garage and only have the skimmer/uv in the garage. It just takes up so much of my garage, and the humidity and heat are high in there, and I am worried for my electrical panel, etc.

I was thinking of starting the tank from scratch and not connecting the existing system to this one in hopes of eliminating the risk of introducing bubble algae, aiptasia, etc. This would involve me deep cleaning the pipes with peroxide and muriatic acid. I would also have to deep clean my skimmer, UV, etc. I like the idea, but it sounds like a lot of extra work for something that is inevitable. I would hate to do all this work and still introduce bubble algae, aiptasia, etc. anyway.

What would you do? Separate and start over, or just connect the systems together?
Just my opinion. Take your time and re-do it over a short period of time. Remove the things you need to clean first. Skimmer and UV first. Then just set them aside for a bit. Your tank should stable enough to handle this. Then shut down the sump, If you want to keep it the way it was clean it. Go through the plumbing next. Then do the tank. As you bring the tank back up start with the UV. This may help cut back on the bubble spores . It will be a lot of work no matter how you do it.
Just my opinion. Take your time and re-do it over a short period of time. Remove the things you need to clean first. Skimmer and UV first. Then just set them aside for a bit. Your tank should stable enough to handle this. Then shut down the sump, If you want to keep it the way it was clean it. Go through the plumbing next. Then do the tank. As you bring the tank back up start with the UV. This may help cut back on the bubble spores . It will be a lot of work no matter how you do it.

I agree. Ultimately, this is what I want to do. I just have to think about how I am going to do it. The 300 gallon sump in the garage is in the way of moving other things around. I have to be extra careful because I would hate to do this and then introduce the pests anyway. Like you said, though,. take my time.
I have another thing and would like to bounce it off everyone. I have about 40 shelves I made that are currently curing in the new sump out back. The rockwork is mounted and glued in the tank. My plan was to mount the shelves to the rock work. I would like to keep all corals on the shelves and not the rock work. I don't know if throwing a bunch of shelves in the system is the best idea, as I don't want it too cluttered. I am thinking of adding the shelves low and maybe a couple here and there in the middle/top portions. This leaves me with finding a way to put corals in other places without shelves. I am thinking of smaller acrylic pieces I can mount to the rocks that have holes in them for frag plugs. I want to keep the system this way so I can move the corals around easily if I need to. I am not finding anything that is what I am looking for. Currently, I am thinking of nylon washers like these.


Does anyone have any ideas?
Aquascape is finally done. I ended up using all of the base rock from my old system that I acid washed. I added the shelves I made, and I think it turned out pretty well. The shelves have holes in them for frags so that I can move pieces around and take them out easily. For the corals, I plan to make 3" acrylic frag disks.

It is a lot brighter in person. There is still a little left to do, but hopefully by this weekend I will have water on the system.

Aquascape is finally done. I ended up using all of the base rock from my old system that I acid washed. I added the shelves I made, and I think it turned out pretty well. The shelves have holes in them for frags so that I can move pieces around and take them out easily. For the corals, I plan to make 3" acrylic frag disks.

It is a lot brighter in person. There is still a little left to do, but hopefully by this weekend I will have water on the system.

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You are next level dude. Looks amazing.
So I gotta ask, how long did that take you? And you up to build me one? Lol

Been working on the tank for a couple of months but the aquascape took a couple of weeks. Only because I would work on it for about an hour after work everyday. Probably could have done it in a couple of full days but I wouldn't be able to though. An hour was about all I could do before my back would go numb. Every piece of base rock and shelf is glued together. I spent most of the time inside the tank while my son directed placement and if the shelves were straight.

Of course! Bring your tank by and I'll give you a hand. :ROFLMAO: