Jebao dp-4 dosing pump review

My question is (beside them working great)does it hold memory if it's turned off?my reason for the question is if I have it plugged into my apex and configured with my pH probe and the pH let's say goes above 8.5dkh and my apex turns it off as a fail safe (I manually dose to prevent any equipment failures)will the memory of all the settings still be there?

Yes, it does. The programming is committed to ROM. Therefore, if you unplug it, when you plug it back in, it will start where you left it. It also keeps time, in my experience.
Hope this isn't a dumb question. Got a new dp4,getting ready to hook it up.Do i need to do anything with short hose."pull on them and ungrip.If you know like in that video when ever you buy a dosing pump,he says ypu need to Thanks
My question is (beside them working great)does it hold memory if it's turned off?my reason for the question is if I have it plugged into my apex and configured with my pH probe and the pH let's say goes above 8.5dkh and my apex turns it off as a fail safe (I manually dose to prevent any equipment failures)will the memory of all the settings still be there?

I have it plugged into my apex as well with a high value ph shutoff.

I have only tested twice, but on mine the clock needs to be re-set, though the Doser keeps the programming for each head...
I'm thinking about getting one for my gf's biocube. Not very many videos out there of people setting them up or reviews of using them long term. Im strongly considering one tho
Something about trusting my entire tank to a $100 pump doesn't allow me to pull the trigger on this one. I need a dosing pump as well, but think I'll spend the change on a GHL.
Something about trusting my entire tank to a $100 pump doesn't allow me to pull the trigger on this one. I need a dosing pump as well, but think I'll spend the change on a GHL.
I was going to buy the GHL unit until I noticed their new model is wireless controlled. I really like their stand alone unit (by the looks of it jebao stole that design) but like all things these days they re designed it so people could program it on their phones and computers. If I can find a used GHL stand alone unit id buy it asap. But GHL won't get any of my money for a wireless one, I'm not a fan of fancy cell phones or computers really. BUT by the reviews the wireless one works amazingly, just not my cup of tea
Well I finally broke down and bought a Bubble Magnus 3 head control unit with a 4 head slave... Waiting on it to come in. Plan on dosing top off water, calcium, buffer, magnesium, and possibly phytoplankton (not sure if can do that but would be awesome)... What else?
I was going to buy the GHL unit until I noticed their new model is wireless controlled. I really like their stand alone unit (by the looks of it jebao stole that design) but like all things these days they re designed it so people could program it on their phones and computers. If I can find a used GHL stand alone unit id buy it asap. But GHL won't get any of my money for a wireless one, I'm not a fan of fancy cell phones or computers really. BUT by the reviews the wireless one works amazingly, just not my cup of tea

I own two of the GHL wireless units, they are super nice and so easy to program with a tablet.

With that said, kamoer makes a great dosing pump, I have no problems putting up to par with the GHL, but there not wireless.
They specialize on parasitic pumps for medical grade equipment. Its the only product they carry for Reef equipment.

You can also buy them locally. John carries them.

I would never trust $100 pump on my tank, that just me.
So I bought the DP4 to see what my results were. I have a digital gram scale that I made sure was calibrated to the tenth of a gram before starting and set up the doser to pump water as a test into a sealed test jug. Since 1ml of water weighs 1g the conversion is easy.

I set it up to dose 6 times in 24 hours at a low level of 12ml per dose (as I understand this is where this system struggles, lower ml dosing).

After 24 hours as expected the ml's were off, it only dosed 53ml instead of the programmed 72.

However, I will give them this. One jug had 53.3 grams (ml's) and the other had exactly 53.4 grams of dosed liquid.

As far as accuracy goes that is really impressive, a tenth of a gram off over 6 dosages in 24 hours. I'm not concerned by the exact number of ml's being dosed since I don't set dosing by numbers as much as I do by setting dosing up low and adjusting up until it meets the demands of the tank. My biggest concern and need from this pump was the equal dosing of the two parts and on that front it looks to be really effective and accurate at that job.

Tonight I will set up the experiment again at a higher ML dosing level to see what happens there. Again, with little concern to if it's dosing the correct number of ML's, more about equal parts of each solution.
Did you calibrate the dp4 before you ran the test?

So I bought the DP4 to see what my results were. I have a digital gram scale that I made sure was calibrated to the tenth of a gram before starting and set up the doser to pump water as a test into a sealed test jug. Since 1ml of water weighs 1g the conversion is easy.

I set it up to dose 6 times in 24 hours at a low level of 12ml per dose (as I understand this is where this system struggles, lower ml dosing).

After 24 hours as expected the ml's were off, it only dosed 53ml instead of the programmed 72.

However, I will give them this. One jug had 53.3 grams (ml's) and the other had exactly 53.4 grams of dosed liquid.

As far as accuracy goes that is really impressive, a tenth of a gram off over 6 dosages in 24 hours. I'm not concerned by the exact number of ml's being dosed since I don't set dosing by numbers as much as I do by setting dosing up low and adjusting up until it meets the demands of the tank. My biggest concern and need from this pump was the equal dosing of the two parts and on that front it looks to be really effective and accurate at that job.

Tonight I will set up the experiment again at a higher ML dosing level to see what happens there. Again, with little concern to if it's dosing the correct number of ML's, more about equal parts of each solution.
Did you calibrate the dp4 before you ran the test?

Yes I did, and as I recall I got them really close within .1 or .2 of a ML when I calibrated so that probably accounts for the .1 difference in dosing. Honestly I'm not in the least concerned in a tenth difference even if it wasn't me. It's really accurate so far in the dosing per channel and that's all I need, I'll adjust the amount dosed based on tank reactions to levels of KH and Ca.

The next 24 hours I set them both to 100ml six times to see if they hold similar equal dosing accuracy with larger dosing values. It will be interesting to see if the dosing quantity is closer to 100ml but again that's not really a concern for me.
Does anyone else have this problem? This is a huge gap.

I think it was a widely reported issue on lower range dosing, or at least it seems like I read it a few times.

The fix is simple, if you want 12ml and it's only dosing 9ml (which was the case for me), bump the dose to 15ml's.

As I understand the issue again was just on the lower range dosings. I'm testing today at 100ml per dose and will let you know what mine does tonight