2 nights ago my jebao dp4 doser failed and pump number one remained on dumping about 1 gallon of alkalinity into my 100 gallon reef tank. Used it for less than 2 months, ran fine in that time up until now. Did not change dosing schedule haven't touched it once since setting it up.
Results were devastating, 100% acropora lost, some softies hanging
most fish are dead, tank water is cloudy and smells of death
Was tempted by the jebao because of its cheap price tag, got it on ebay for less than $120
most dosers are selling for around $300+
Opened the unit up and dont see any visible issues. No water damage or sign of short. Right now pump 1 wont turn off and just continues to spin the other 3 work fine. Have contacted Jebao I dont expect a response
Anyways just dont want anyone else to suffer
Its not worth the savings, these things are cheap, flimsy and not built well. My previous GHL lasted 3 years before the screen burn out so I thought Id try this one. Wish I stuck with GHL but was trying to save some $. Ended up losing more than I could imagine in the end....
Results were devastating, 100% acropora lost, some softies hanging
most fish are dead, tank water is cloudy and smells of death
Was tempted by the jebao because of its cheap price tag, got it on ebay for less than $120
most dosers are selling for around $300+
Opened the unit up and dont see any visible issues. No water damage or sign of short. Right now pump 1 wont turn off and just continues to spin the other 3 work fine. Have contacted Jebao I dont expect a response
Anyways just dont want anyone else to suffer
Its not worth the savings, these things are cheap, flimsy and not built well. My previous GHL lasted 3 years before the screen burn out so I thought Id try this one. Wish I stuck with GHL but was trying to save some $. Ended up losing more than I could imagine in the end....