Hey, Ill be in Naples this weekend till sunday afternoon. Let me know if youll be on your way back from Miami and if we can meet up. I have 1 wp25 and a dc12000
Let me know if you want me to get your pumps.
Thanks, i will PM Eric Noa to verify.
Ok Im trying to get all the pumps sort out and these are the people I got picking up their pumps in Miami. Please check that your name is on the list and if it isn't let me know so I can add you to the list..
So far the arrangement is for me to take the pumps with me to Miami (Hialeah) and you guys to go pick them up from me. That will be this upcoming saturday and Sunday if the DC12000 arrive this Friday.
To help Eric out. I am willing to take pumps for people in Broward and North. If you have an issue with this, please let Eric know and make other arrangements to get your pump(s).
To help Eric out. I am willing to take pumps for people in Broward and North. If you have an issue with this, please let Eric know and make other arrangements to get your pump(s).
I'm going to grab my pump from Marvin, if you want me to grab yours too and bring it back to the Boca/Deerfield line. Please PM Nivram (Marvin) and let him know.
@Marvin, I'm off after 5:30 on Sat and 4 on Sunday. LMK when you want me to come by