Jessezm's 200g Pentagon Corner Tank

Okay, update on my planning progress!

I've decided to go with the Turboflotor Shorty and run it externally, so the second sump/skimmer box will not be necessary. I am going to tee off my return pump (using the Dart) to feed it. I read a lot about feeding a skimmer fresh water from the overflow, bt 1) I'm worried about tuning the skimmer if I feed it directly since flow will vary somewhat, and 2) if I use an extra pump to feed it that's more wattage and more heat transferred to the water. So we'll give that a shot.

I've also decided on a lighting set up, and am working on getting some drawings uploaded for your comments. It will be an 8-bulb T5 tek retrofit with IceCap reflectors. Not sure on bulb combo yet. There will be 4X54's in the front parallel to the front viewing panel, then 2X39's behind them, then 2X24's. I've played with a million different layouts and I think this will provide the most even coverage, and should run about $600 for the whole thing with bulbs. I'm not going to overdrive the bulbs with IceCap ballasts, but can always upgrade easily if necessary down the line.

I also have a list of fittings and ballvalves that I'll order later this summer. I'll need some advice on plumbing, but my plan is to do 1.5" spa flex to and from the Darts to cut down on vibration, then hard plumb the 4-way returns to make it as neat as possible under the stand.

I'll also Tee off the either the return or intake line on the closed loop and have a ball valve that will allow me to drain the entire tank through the floor and out to the driveway. This will also be inline with the emergency sump overflow. Any advice on where to tee off this line from?

Here's an idea for the lighting:

Here's a picture of my first marine tank--a 7 gallon mixed reef. Just trying to get you all talking here!!! Any other thoughts on the plan so far? I'll be ordering my lights next week, I think. Thanks!

I just got T5's for my tank and I think you made a good choice, especially with the IC reflectors and the ability to upgrade to IC ballasts in the future. I just got the new ATI bulbs from reefgeek (call and ask for them) and they look nice. These are my first T5 bulbs so I dont have anything to compare them to though.

I got 2 aquablues (11k crisp white) and 2 blue plus'. A 1:1 ratio of these bulbs works well. You have 8 bulbs instead of my four so you could tweak it a little more. If you wanted it a little whiter you could go 5 aqua blues and 3 blue pluses, or if you wanted some more par you could get 2 GE daylight bulbs (65k), and the rest a mix of the aquablues and blue pluses. Thats another thing I like about T5's, you can mix and match the bulbs to get a desired color look of the tank, just depends on what you prefer and what corals you keep.

Excellent choice on the external turboflotor. I'd love to see some pics of it when you get it. T'ing off the return pump will work ok, it just seems like a lot of plumbing hassle when its simpler to get a smaller feed pump. You could even place the feed pumps intake close to the drain line from the tank so it is getting dirtier water.

gravity feeding your skimmer from the drain line isnt as hard as it sounds and it can be done so the feed rate is constant and adjustable, here's a good thread about it.
scroll down a little further than halfway and there's a drawn diagram of the plumbing.
thanks for the link to that thread! i'm still waffling about how to feed the skimmer, I guess... The reason for using the return pump or gravity feed from the drain to feed the skimmer is to avoid an unnecessary extra pump, which is more heat, more wattage, and more money... I suppose you're right about the extra plumbing being a bit much, but I'm less worried about that than about how teeing off the return pump would affect water flow with a dart. by my head pressure calcualtions, I don't think it would add too much more, so I may give it a whirl at least.
Thanks! Just spent the afternoon faxing schematics back and forth with the engineers at Tenecor. I can't wait to get the tank!
Yeah! The tank just arrived! I'll try to get some pictures up later tonight. Now I just need to build myself something to put it on... It's BIG!!!
Looking good. Now how about some pics of that tank you got :).
Question....I see outlets at the bottom of our overflows, is that for your closed loop returns? If so I might consider putting them on the sides of the overflows so they don't take up alot of room. I used Pauls flow design for my corner tank and fought with those back pipes for a while until just recently I was able to make all the rockwork in the back corner of the tank look good and get good flow.
As far as the stand and hood goes it shouldn't be too difficult to DIY, but if you want one custom built I would plan on $800-$1200 depending on materials.
thanks, Dan. I have a problem resizing my pictures under 50k to post here, which is why there are so few in my gallery! I don't thik they allow us to link to here, but I have more pictures there. I have some good shots of the tank and the lights I can email them to you if you pm me your email--maybe you can tell me how to post them? they are all areound 150k-300k in size, I think...

As for the holes in the overflows, yes, it will be very busy in there! What is not pictured above is that there is also a dry raceway in each overflow for electrical stuff, so it's even more cluttered than I imagined. Since it's too late to redesign, i'm just going to have to deal with it... I suppose I could cap those holes and drill some new ones, but I'll just have to see once I get to that phase... this is really a step by step process! i'm off to a meeting for the rest of the day!
You know I have heard that several times that it is not alright to link to other boards but, I see it almost daily especially with I read every word of the user agreement and couldn't find anything saying it was against the rules. FWIW you can right click on a pic and copy the image location then using the insert picture code paste it in the box.
May be a mod can answer the linking to other bb board question ? :)
Got half of the electrical box wired last night, second half to do this weekend. For just one DJ8 power center, I had carefully to strip, crimp, and screw in about 100 individual wires! It took till 4 in the morning, and I only got half of the way through, but it's coming along nicely. Once I get this picture posting thing figured out, I'll post some shots of my pregress. the DJ8 power center works basically as a manual off switch in case I want to work on the tank without scrolling throught the Aquacontroller Jr's menu. I basically gutted the whole thing and used it as a project box with lighted switches. The second DJ8 will be split between a DC4 and just 4 regular recepticals. the bill for this thing is starting to add up! the 12 plug leads for the DC8 and DC4 alone were $50, not to mention 30ft of 14-3 cable, 20 outlets, 8 junction boxes, 2 packages of crimp connectors, and a bunch of other odds and ends... Oh yeah, and then there's the DC8, DC4, ACjr, and 2 DJ8's! At least I got a good deal on a used ACjr and DC8... God, does anyone even care about all this??? I'm just a little over tired so I'm rambling... Over and out!
I told you it was going to be alot of work. I had to break it up into a few days so my back didn't get sore from leaning over the workbench doing all of that stripping and soldering. Trust me you will be so happy to have this thing once your system is up and running. Keep up the good work, and go to and set up a free account. Then you can post pics wherever you want and not be limited to the gallerys of specific sites.
Some more pics:

Some more pics:





Tank with lights:


Sorry--the workshop was a real mess when i took these pics!