Jessezm's 200g Pentagon Corner Tank

Yep it works, to get them to just post in the thread instead of a link copy and paste the code above the static address (the longer one).

Sweet looking tank!
Links to other places on the net are fine, as long as they are posted by people who are not simply trying to drive traffic to other sites (i.e. advertising).

Links to other BBSs are removed if they are simply "see my thread here!" type links, for the same reason. We prefer that the information gets posted here on RC so it is kept available and gets indexed for searches.

Thanks for the clarification!

Oh, and Dan--I'm not sure what you mean by the "longer" address--if I right click on the picture I still don't see any address, unless I click on "properties", which is where I get the address that I pasted above. I didn't see any other address there, though... Sorry, I'm good at some things, but some things I just can't seem to get!
By Jove, I 've got it!

Electrical Progress

Electrical Progress

Now that I've got the picture posting thing down, I wanted to document some of my progress with the electrical panel in case anyone's interested.

Here's a picture of the 1st DJ8 that I started with:

And here it is opened up. On the right you can see the gound bus bar that had to be removed. I actually had to gut the whole thing, including the plug recepticals:

CLose up of me taking out the components. The tabs on the plug recepticals that release them from the housing are very brittle and will snap off if you're not gentle (or if you look at them the wrong way...), so if you think you may want to use them, now is a good time to be sure! It's hard to believe I plunked down $30 each for these and am only using the box and the switches...:
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here it is gutted:


Since the ground bus is gone, I used the daisy chained hot and nuetral leads to to ground the new cords coming in to the box:



Here is the crappy make-shift box I built to hold everything for now. Hopefully I won't get lazy and leave it all in here...

I'm putting components in the box here to get a sense of how crammed it will be. On the left you can see the DC8 and DC4 HD, as well as some of the junction boxes that will hold the hard-wired recepticals--2 outlets per switch on the DJ8:

And here is the DJ8 all wired up! I had to widen the holes in the back just a bit by clipping of the corners of the openings to accept the wire clamps that I added so nothing gets tugged out:

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As you can see, I completely removed the power cord for the DJ8 since each switch is now getting power independently from the DC8.

<a href="" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="" width="640" height="480" alt="electrical 014" /></a>

And here it is starting to come together. One thing I did wrong which I think I'll have to redo is getting 8 separate 2-gang boxes, instead of 4 4-gang boxes. I did this because home depot and lowes did not carry 4-outlet switchplates. but unfortunately, the fit is so tight that the gang boxes are too close together to receive their individual switchplates. If I stay with this set up, I'll have to go without the switchplates, and I don't know if that's a bad idea or not--can someone who knows weigh in on this point?

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Finally, here's an idea of what it will look like from the outside, accept hopefully the box will be both waterproof, and prettier, with the ACjr nicely mounted on the outside. I'm afraid I may have to try to fit this under the stand, but not certain yet...


What I still have left to do is to wire up the other DJ8. This one will have 4 switches wired to the DC4 HD, and 4 to indepent, switched recepticals, so I will have to plug it in along with the DC4 and the other DC8.

The power supply is two dedicated 20 amp circuits that I just installed that are hardwired to 2 GFCI recepticals. What do you all think so far?
Looking good. You did a much better job documenting the steps than I did. I only took those 4 pics that I posted before. I'm not sure why you don't like your box? Just slap a coat of paint on it and its good to go. The idea is to kind of have a portable unit that way if you ever want to upgrade (I know hard to think about now), you can swap it out just like any other piece of equipment.
Thanks--you inspired me to take more pics since I had to ask you so many questions!!!;)

The only reason I don't like the box is becuase I made the cuts freehand and in a bit of a hurry (only had an hour and a half worth of babysitting!)and the edges don't all come together perfectly. My cousin has a woodshop with a router table and table saw, and I was just thinking it would be cool to have something that looks nice like 8ball_99's just for the heck of it. I could do some dovetail joints and put a nice stain and laquer on it to make it water resistant... But as it is, I'm sure it will be fine. I could just putty up the gaps with wood filler and then sand and paint and it'd be ready to go!

I do much better work after the wife and kids have gone to bed and I'm not worried about who is missing my help/presence at any given moment...
Well I got the rest of the panel wired up this weekend and am very pleased with the results. I played around with the ACjr until I finally figured it out--this thing is going to be great! I've got 12 controlled channels, and right now have it programed to control all the lights, including moonlights and fuge lights, heaters, fans, calcium reactor, and pumps. It feels good to have the electrical stuff all planned out and built ahead of setting the tank up. Now I've got to get the stand built and the plumbing ordered up. I'm afraid I'll have to wait a month or so till we can afford it, unfortunately--It's just so hard to look at all that equipment and an empty tank just begging to be set up!!!
Some shots of the final product (well, I still have some finishing work to do, but all the components are up and running):



I keep putting off dealing with getting my stand built--I really want to do it myself but just don't have the tools or time at the moment, which is really bumming me out. I spoke with a high-end woodworker the other day and he quoted me around $3000 for the work I want done. We may work out an even trade for my motorcycle, but it's on hold for now until he had the chance to do the work. In the meantime, I'm going to look around locally to see if there is a cheaper solution for shopping out this part of the project... I hate waiting!