Ok, so after looking at some of the tank builds, including leonardos. Ive realized this tank was just too full of rock. So today I took out the left side cinderblock cave, along with the right sides concrete slab I made. They were just taking up too much real estate, and it didnt look "full" it just looked cluttered. At least now its empty, but its clean lol.
I also traded my 6080s for a Vortech. So I have room to expand my rocks towards the back corners more. There are a few newer man made rocks that Im waiting to turn green, but that'll happen in time.
Also, monday my seaswirl return is scheduled to arrive, so that should add some nice randomness to the tank.
Notice in the pics the fish are totally out, even that little wrasse. Everyone seems to be interacting well. The pics are a little dark because I had the light moved back out of the way, and didnt think of moving em back before I took pics (genius).
I dont know if it necessarily translates well in the pics, but I have much more room for some corals to grow. I dont know if Im totally going to copy Leonardo, with all tabling acros. But I did set up some rocks for them to grow off of,and hopefully cover some of that center canyon, creating a nice acro cave. That'll all be later rather than sooner, though.
I think it looks much better.