Joe's 190g 60x36x20 SLOW Mixed Reef Build.......

Im really considering selling this tank now. The last couple days, its been hot here. The tank has been about 82 degrees, which isnt TERRIBLE, but its surely not too good. But on top of that, the two halides has my fish room at least 100 degrees. It is scorching hot in there. With that said, I cant leave the door to the fish room open so I can see the tank. Adding a chiller will cool the tank, sure. I need that, no doubt about it. but it will also just add heat to this side room. I live in an older house, and theres no AC, we just use window units. The unfortunate thing with that is there are no windows in the side room! It used to be a garage.

Im leaning towards trading this tank for a 180g, which I CAN fit in my living room easily. I wish there was an easy solution for this, but it doesnt really seem like there is one. Besides maybe cutting a hole into the side of the house for an AC unit to hang out of.
What about a fan to circulate the air from the tank room to the rest of the house that has A/C? You could also try using a dehumidifier in the fish room to keep the moisture (and thus the temp) down.
Ive got two fans in the tank room. right now I have one fan blowing the top of my tank, then another fan blowing from the back laundry room inwards. It was 103 here this weekend. That NEVER happens here, so hopefully its a rarity this summer. Another thing I was thinking was finding a nice locking type of sliding screen door. I can leave the sliding glass door open in the front, but I dont want to risk the security of the house. I may take a look at home depot tomorrow, and see if theres a sliding metal screen that looks like itd be a secure alternative to just the glass.

Your idea of the fans circulating is a good one. I was about to turn off the AC in the front room because it was so cold in here. If it works that well, itd have to help my side room.

Over the weekend I was gone for a little short of 2 days, and I lost a good 10 gallons of water due to evaporation. Im even having a mild cyano outbreak. Im not sure if thats from a warm or a maturing tank. Probably a little bit of both I guess.

You were also right about that sand blowing around. It seems to be blowing aorund less and less as the days go on, though its still blowing around some.
And I was also thinking of selling these MH and getting the T5s. But I don tthink thatd save me much heat really. Id need 8x54w, which is 432w if my math is correct. That only saves me 68w from my MH. If you believe a watt is a watt, as far as heat goes, then its going to be the same temperature as the halides..

... Kinda curious on your thoughts on that lighting option...
I think you'll need 10x54w or 12x54w, and with that brace I'd stick with what you have. Since your tank temp is fine, and its only the room temp, it sounds like your problem is really dealing with the humidity from the evap, getting some circulation to carry the moist air to the rest of the house (where the moisture can be removed by the A/C) may solve your problem.
You may be right, we'll see how that works. I was thinking of cutting out a hole in the wall between my fish room and the laundry room. And putting an inwall unit in there. The heat would go into the laundry room, but who cares, its hot in there anyways, and it goes straight outside.

Starting tomorrow though I'll have a fan blowing straight from the front room to the side room. Or would you have a fan blowing from the side room to the front room? Either way, we'll see how this works.
I just picked up some corals today. Someone in SB (SBJim) was giving away free "frags". More like free colonies. These things grew wild in his tank, and he only had PCs. There are 3 different colors of Montis. I know one is an orangeish with a purple hue going on, another one is orange, and one looks brown. Then some tan acro with bright green polyps, and I believe a digitata if I recall correctly. Not to mention some Xenia. We'll see how these guys color up in my tank....

Here are a few pics.





The tank is starting to really look nice :) So I take it the temp thing got worked out? You gotta quit scaring us with this talk of selling the tank....adding corals is more like it ;)
yeah, its worked out. The temp was just around 103 here that week. That NEVER happens. Not to mention the GF had all the doors closed she admitted lol. That DOESNT help.

Gonna go pick up a puffer for the 60g and a Blonde naso for the 190 today. Since the wedding got pushed back til next year, I can spend some money on myself lol.
Oh and those SPS will be moved up in time. He just had them in his tank with PCs, so I didnt wanna fry em with the lumenarcs and 250w halides. And I gotta buy some epoxy for em.
Joe- Did you go with the Aqua C reactor? It is worth the price. Its so simple, I am still running mine off of just a bubble count and the PH controller is still in the garage. It does a good job of degassing; my tanks PH has been 8.3-8.4 for the last couple of weeks.
No, I havent got around to spending th emoney on it yet. I was waiting til I sold some X5 headlights, which get a good $400, before I bought one. I'll definitely buy one before I start buying SPS though, these guys were freebies, and I dose Ca right now anyhow.

Thanks for the encouragement on the Aqua C, though. I wasnt sure which one to get, and the last thing I needed was something I had to fiddle with every day, or kill everything I have in my tank. This tank will take a few years for me to fill as it is. The last thing I want is for it to kill everything and have to start all over lol.
So Ive been looking at everyones tanks, seeing how theyve progressed so much, and I started thinking what I could do to further my tank in its process. So I was thinking of adding the concrete rocks to the tank. One cinder block, then in a couple weeks the other, then the shelf a couple weeks after that.

Now will a TDS tell me if its ready, as much as a pH test will? Here are my tests results I just conducted:
1) RODI water from machine = 0 TDS
2) Tap water from garden hose (how I fill my barrel) = highest TDS of 402
3) Barrell of 2 cinders and 1 shelf = 600-610 TDS
4) Tub of newer rocks, a couple weeks younger = 1100 TDS

Now would it be safe to assume that #3, my barrel of older rocks, are still leaching elements into the water, making them not ready for my tank yet? I know they say a safe way is using a pool pH test, but that doesnt necessarily test if the concrete is leaching anything into the water, if those elements are not basic nor acidic.

Curious if anyone has some insight on this....
Nevermind, so I found my cheap test strips. I tested the water that my rock was in, and I tested my tank water. both came up the same color, so I threw in one of the cinder blocks. pics tomorrow when the tank is clear.
Im really not sure how I like the look of this rock. It sticks out like a sore thumb. Im not really worried with my aquascaping, since I will be redoing it all again in a couple weeks anyhow when the other rock is done. But heres how it looks today. I just hope it turns the live rock green, and matches my darker rocks on the left hand side. The clowns seem to love it though, they immediately went right to hosting it

Ive also decided when all the other rock is in my tank, Im going to make a piller towards the front, I think. Here are some pics.....




The left side of the tank is starting to come together a little bit at a time. The right side, not so much lol. That clam has gotten considerably larger since I bought it also. It has one whole new schuck (I think theyre called?) and its finishing its second one. Thats been in about 5 months, since I bought it.
Uh dude...I REALLY like the scape. Its very nice...stop worrying about it and get on with stocking that puppy ;)

So whats this I hear about you buying a 16" high tank??? Last time I checked this one is 20" right? Multi-tankitis??
When did I say I was buying a 16" high tank? Either I mistyped, was drinking, or was full of it.... I can barely stock this one as itis.