Jonas 3.13, 150G of Miracles fun

Lost two more fish in my QT yesterday. One more of the cardinal fish (only 3 left now) and the yellow prawn goby. Mostly sad for the goby since I was looking forward to see him interacting with by pistols already in the tank. Have contacted Liveaquaria already. All the remaining fish looks to be in very good health. Plan is to release them all to the DT next week.
Tonight is the big night for the new fish. They will finally be introduced into the main DT. Been waiting for this for a long time. Had planned to do that last night but got stuck in travel hell in Iowa trying to get a working flight home so have to do it tonight instead. One more day in QT will only do good.

Also got myself a gift, a new Canon 70D camera so hopefully I will see an improvement in picture quality to going forward. At the least there will be HD videos taken of the tank from now on which should be nice.
Just read the whole thread. Loving this!!! Looking forward to more. Very well thought out. Hope to be able to put something like this together someday.
Fish went in last night. Went very well but they are still a little skiddish in the new environment. They are out more and more though the longer the day goes.

Played around with the new camera and took a test video of the tank.


<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Link for you Tapatalkers.

Main DT video test
The stocking list is not complete yet but what I do know I want is a bonded pair of Mandarins (way in the future after my pod population has grew huge), a couple of tangs (not sure which ones yet), several gobies to match up with the 3-4 pistols I have already, a couple of different wrasses, a bluespot Jawfish . There will be a canopy on the tank next year so the jawfish and wrasse don't go carpet (hardwood floor) surfing.

Besides that, I am not really sure what else I want. I prefer smaller fish compared to the bigger ones. Any recommendations regarding stocking will be helpful.
I love the dry rock you started with. I was wondering if you might have ordered it online? I'm setting up a 60 gallon custom cube right now and looking for a good mail-order dry rock source (no phosplates or pollutants)
I love the dry rock you started with. I was wondering if you might have ordered it online? I'm setting up a 60 gallon custom cube right now and looking for a good mail-order dry rock source (no phosplates or pollutants)


I did order the rocks online from BRS. It isd their Pukani rocks and I had them submerged in RODI water for about a month or two before using them. They will leach some phosphates but it can be kept to a minimum if cured correctly.
Sorry for the lack up updates lately. Business trips, personal trips, Christmas and New Year's came in-between. Despite the hectic schedule in December things have been progressing in the tank. New corals have been added, algae have started to reduced, the fish are doing very well (or at least some of them).

To start with the fish. As mentioned before the fish from QT were all added in mid December. The three anthias are doing very well. At first they were a little shy, especially the male, but now they are happily swimming around all over the tank. They "home" is however in the rock formation in the right rear part of the tank. Both the blenny and the two remaining stoplight cardinals were in good shape when added to the main DT. Unfortunately that was also the last time I saw any of them. They all darted into the rock work to hide after being released. I have yet to see any of them. By now, almost a month later I assume they are all dead. Don't know why though as I have very few, if any, predators in the tank that would be capable of killing them all.

As for the corals added, below (and over the next couple of posts) are a picture documentation on what has been added.

First out is a red monti cap, birdsnest and a blue tuxedo urchin. (the urchin just died last week for unknown reasons and the monti cap disapeared after being picked up by one of the urchins and then dropped at an unknown location). This was also the first try for my multi container drip acclimation setup. Worked surprisingly well.


Unknown blue stag?

Birdsnest (birds of paradise?)

Black Maxima clam

Zoa garden (or at least the beginning of one)

Strawberry shortcake. This one has really colored up nicely from a browned out frag. Have started to encrust again which is a good sign. What bothers me some is that I do not see much of a PE from it anymore. When it was new in the old nano tank it had a lot of PE all the time.

RBTA with my two clowns

Cleaner shrimp hanging out

Unknown green smooth coral. This one has also colored up very nicely from a completely browned out frag. Have started to encrust as well.
ORA Green planet. This one is the one that has encrusted the most in the new tank. Looks really nice and bushy.

Macro shot of the unknown blue stag frag.

Believe this is ORA Joe the Coral.

Snow bird.

Another one on the birdsnest.

ORA Verde

Bloodred Fireshrimp

ORA Woolly Green

Blue tuxedo urchin

Red and green War coral
Gold wall torch coral and Firetip macro algae

Red blasto?

Rainbow Stylophora

Unknown zoas (name anyone?)

Crocea clam

Male clown hanging out in his nem



Green Bali Slimer

Sunset Millipora
Time for another picture update. The tank is humming along well. Did have a minor disaster with my QT though. I got a Blue Hippo tang, yellow watchman goby and a two spot goby from my LFS last week. Added them to the QT (which had been up and cycled for some time already) on Thursday of last week. On Friday evening I started to hear a gurgling sound and rushed into the QT room. Found that the water level was down to half (which meant that about 5 gallons of saltwater already had left the tank and now were in my carpet. Got the remaining water out into a bucked along with the fish and rocks. Took the 10g QT tank outside and got rid of it (too cheap of a tank to spend anytime trying to find and fix the issue).

The next day I got a new 20G tank from a more well known brand off PetSmart and set it up. Finally Saturday night the fish with the remaining of the old water went into it and they have been fine since then. Hopefully this tank will work out better. Like that it is bigger as well. 10G was a little too small. Started a week long PraziPro preventive treatment last night and will then do a 4 week Cupramine treatment since I have seen sign of Ich on the hippo.

Now on to the pictures. First out is an unknown crab that I have found in the tank. He does not look very friendly and one day I think I need to get him out. The good thing is that he seems to stay in the same area ll the time. If anyone knows what crab it is, please let me know.



The new QT






One of my cucumbers
Finally, FTS.


Comments? If anyone knows the names of the corals I have a ? after or if I have named something incorrectly, please let me know.