Sorry for the lack up updates lately. Business trips, personal trips, Christmas and New Year's came in-between. Despite the hectic schedule in December things have been progressing in the tank. New corals have been added, algae have started to reduced, the fish are doing very well (or at least some of them).
To start with the fish. As mentioned before the fish from QT were all added in mid December. The three anthias are doing very well. At first they were a little shy, especially the male, but now they are happily swimming around all over the tank. They "home" is however in the rock formation in the right rear part of the tank. Both the blenny and the two remaining stoplight cardinals were in good shape when added to the main DT. Unfortunately that was also the last time I saw any of them. They all darted into the rock work to hide after being released. I have yet to see any of them. By now, almost a month later I assume they are all dead. Don't know why though as I have very few, if any, predators in the tank that would be capable of killing them all.
As for the corals added, below (and over the next couple of posts) are a picture documentation on what has been added.
First out is a red monti cap, birdsnest and a blue tuxedo urchin. (the urchin just died last week for unknown reasons and the monti cap disapeared after being picked up by one of the urchins and then dropped at an unknown location). This was also the first try for my multi container drip acclimation setup. Worked surprisingly well.
Unknown blue stag?
Birdsnest (birds of paradise?)
Black Maxima clam
Zoa garden (or at least the beginning of one)
Strawberry shortcake. This one has really colored up nicely from a browned out frag. Have started to encrust again which is a good sign. What bothers me some is that I do not see much of a PE from it anymore. When it was new in the old nano tank it had a lot of PE all the time.
RBTA with my two clowns
Cleaner shrimp hanging out
Unknown green smooth coral. This one has also colored up very nicely from a completely browned out frag. Have started to encrust as well.