Jonas 3.13, 150G of Miracles fun

beautiful tank, what lens are you shooting with on your 70d, and how are you liking it so far? your photos look very sharp.
beautiful tank, what lens are you shooting with on your 70d, and how are you liking it so far? your photos look very sharp.

Thanks! I am using both the kit 18-135 IS STM lens and the 100MM IS Macro lens for closeups. Love that lens and the images gets sharp even though I handheld most (all?) of them. As for the 70D, it is a huge upgrade from my old Rebel XSi. Still lerning all the ins and outs of the camera but I have yet to find something bad about it.

Lost my two spot goby in my QT last night. Guess the quick transfer from the broke tank to a bucket for a day to a new tank was too much. On top of that I started a prophylactic treatment with PrazipPro the night before as well. Maybe too many things happening at once. The other two fish are doing great in the QT. The Hippo tang is happily swimming around all over now and is not as shy as it was initially. Can't wait to add them to the main DT in a month or two (after treatment with Cupramine).
The Hippo and yellow watchman goby are doing great in the QT. Both are eating well and very active (within what they should be for each species). Started to treat them with Cupramine last nigh as I suspect the Hippo may have Ich. Dosed half a dose yesterday and will test and dose up to full strength tomorrow evening. Planning to keep them under treatment for 4 weeks and then 1 more week for observation. If they show no signs of any disease by then they will go in to the main tank. Should be around February 22.
Another photo update.










Back from a weekend in NYC. Found a very interesting thing in the tank yesterday afternoon during feeding. I saw one of the Red Stoplight cardinals still alive. Have not seen any of them since they got released in the tank. Was very surprised since it is a long time since they went in now. Very good news. Maybe there is still hope for the blenny and the other cardinal as well. The one I found was hard to see as I had to look between rocks into the back of the tank. He hovered around the bottom along the gorgonians.
Had my first death to a jumper today. Found one of the female anthias on the floor stiff as a stick. Really need to get going on the canopy soon.
Now on to the pictures. First out is an unknown crab that I have found in the tank. He does not look very friendly and one day I think I need to get him out. The good thing is that he seems to stay in the same area ll the time. If anyone knows what crab it is, please let me know.

Looks like a gorilla crab, it's on Richards "remove" list.
Check his link below.
tbs remove
This one does have black tips so I guess I have to deal with a gorilla crab then. Need to figure out a way to catch him and then put him in the sump. Very cool looking crab so don't want to get rid of him.
Me vs. Gorilla crab 2 - 1! Finally managed to get the bugger out from the main DT. He had chomped down half of a head of my Dendro. That made me take action. Gorilla lost a claw in the battle but is now residing in the fuge where no harm can be done. Did see the crab carrying away one of my smaller cucumbers earlier this week so I know I had to do something soon.



Yesterday I stopped by one of my LFS and picked up a nice frag of ORA Shortcake.

Finally a photo of one of the cucumbers from TBS. This guy has grown a lot since he was first put in. Looks very health too.

Think I may be on the verge of getting the flu so this weekend will be all about fighting that one. If I feel OK on Sunday I will do a water change then.
Short picture update. I beat the flu after about a week but have not been able to do much with the tank. Made a water change last weekend and then headed on the road for a business trip. Planning to do some coral mounting today. Lost my Dresia clam when I was down with the flu. Not sure why since all the parameters are in check and nothing else seems to be suffering in the tank. Have not been able to see any pests that could have caused it either. The other clam is still doing fine.

Fish in QT is also doing very well. No signs of any diseases and they are both eating well and very fat. If it stays that way they may get transferred to the main tank on a week or two.

A couple of days ago I found that one of my Serpent starfish had lost all but 2 legs and half of its body. It is still moving around so hopefully he will recover. Maybe the Gorilla crab did that too him before he got booted down to the fuge?



Here are some fish pics from last night.






A few more pictures from tonight. Found a new hitchhiker in the fuge. Contemplating if I should leave him in the fuge or move him to the main DT. Any suggestions?


The fuge by the way is doing very well. Have been pruning the Turtle grass a lot. It grows like weed but looks very cool. May add a fish or two to it in the future. Not sure what yet though.


Finally a picture of about a weeks worth of nice skimmate. This stuff is very potent and smells like crap.
Great looking tank and I love those clownfish!! I may have missed it but I was wondering what type of fuge light you were running?