Jonas 3.13, 150G of Miracles fun

Great looking tank and I love those clownfish!! I may have missed it but I was wondering what type of fuge light you were running?

Thanks! The fuge lights are just two LED strips from PetSmart + 1 plant grow light. Seems to be working well for me.

Just went through this thread! Great build and great photography.


Well done ojonas81, I especially like what you did with your refugium.


Think I have figured out why my Crocea clam died. Did some tests today and found that both my alkalinity and calcium were way down. Alkalinity were at 7.7 dHk and calcium all the way down to 304 ppm. Have started to slowly raise them both up again. I have also adjusted the dosing amounts to hopefully combat the issue.

Went to the LFS today and came back with 3 new SPS. Also mounted the ORA Shortcake and relocated the ORA Ant Insignis since I was not happy with the original location. Pictures below taken just after they entered the tank so they are still a little mad. If anyone knows the names of the SPS please let me know.

The new trio. The left one I believe is some sort of branching Montipora. The middle one is the ORA Blue Voodoo. The one to the right I have no idea but it has a very interesting shape.

Unknown SPS.

Unknown Branching Montipora and ORA Blue Voodoo.

ORA Shortcake of the plug and mounted.

ORA Ant Insignis in its new location. This guy has started to regain its color after browning out completely.
Let's do another photo update. If anyone knows the name of the unknown corals please let me know. Picked up the Zoas and the Meteor Shower frags yesterday. Went to the LFS to get a new clam but it looks like it is not season for any kind of clams here right now. Went to two different stores that both usually have a good clam selection but they were both completely out and did not know when they will be restocked. Bummer!






This guy has grown a lot in a short time. All the blue tips are new since mid-January.


Finally a fish picture. The female Lyretail Anthias is very skiddish and darts quickly into the rocks when I walk up to the tank.
Lost my wall Torch last night. It had been receding for some time now and yesterday it finally gave up life. Wonder if the low CA readings I got had anything to do with it? My Hammer and Frogspawn is still doing fine (although the hammer is not doing great). Any other theories?
Short update. Transferred the Hippo tang and yellow watchman goby from the QT tank, where they have been treated with Cupramine for 5 weeks, to the main DT on Saturday. Everything went well but it seems like the the goby and the tank have switched roles with each other after being together in QT for that long.

The tank is still very skiddish (although she comes out more and more) and hides in a cave when I walk up to the tank. The goby on the other hand, who should be living in a cave with one of the pistol shrimp, is constantly out in the open swimming around. He seem to like to swim against the current from the WP-40s. Wonder if he ever will settle down and act like a goby should?
Placed a new fish order from LiveAquaria today that should arrive tomorrow. It contains the following:

Red mandarin, bonded pair (I hope)
Carpenters flasher wrasse, young male
Two spot goby
Yellowhead jawfish
Kaudern's Cardinalfish (Bonded Pair)

On another note, I have not seen my yellow watchman goby in a couple of days. No sign of in in the sump, the overflow or on the floor so he has either taken residence in a cave I cannot see or been killed by something in the tank. I hope he will come back out soon because he was very fun to watch.
Got a few new camera gear home today. New Manfrotto tripod, geared head, extension tubes and a Velbon focus rail. Had to try it out and for that my ORA Miami Orchid SPS was a perfect subject (and one of the few corals that were at the correct height and not too far away from the glass.

More pictures to follow over the weekend as I will try out the gear some more.


Beautiful photos mate, the fish and coral colors are awesome. :) That pic of the collector urchin brings back memories, i had one years ago and forgot how cool it was to see different things appearing on it all the time. :thumbsup:
Crap! Made a bobo yesterday when I ordered my fish. They got sent to work instead of to my home. Just got a call that they are delivered so off to the office it is to pick up the boxes. So much for working from home on Fridays. Excited about the new additions though, especially the mandarins.
Fish arrived and are in temperature acclimation. All but one made it. The flasher wrasse was DOA in the bag. Will contact LiveAquaria regarding that.
So far so good but the tank is still relatively new. The best growers so far are ORA Green planet, ORA Verge, ORA Wolly Green and my Seasonal Greetings. Had a small issue with low CA about a month ago that put a halt to some of the growth. Levels are back up again so hopefully the growth will continue.
Fish has now been acclimated and are now put in DT (the Red Mandarins and the bonded pair of Bangaii cardinals, both from Divers Den. The jawfish and the goby are in QT and will be observed and treated with copper and Prazipro over the next 4-5 weeks.










Did not get as much time over the weekend to play around with the camera as I would have liked, but managed to get at least 1 decent macro image of one of my unknown SPS.


This is a close-up of this coral.
Lost the jawfish in QT this morning. Don't know what killed it since other fish in the QT is doing fine. None of the parameters are out of whack either.

Another strange thing with the main tank. I had my GFO and carbon reactor turned off the last week or so since the media needed to be replaced. I don't have much algae on the rocks (barely anything) and just a little on the glass every 3-4 days. Well, since replacing it the algae on the glass have "exploded" and grown a lot. My PO4 was 0.04ppm before I changed the media. Wouldn't the GFO and carbon combat algae instead of making it grow?
There's a theory floating around on reefcentral that some of the GFO manufacturers are better than others. BRS GFO is supposedly inferior to Phosban. So therefore I never use anything but phosban and I haven't had an algae bloom since (over 2 years)
Hmm, I am using the regular GFO from BRS. Maybe I should look into Phosban once my current BRS GFO is running out. Phosphates are low though, 0.04ppm.
Picked up a new replacement wrasse for the dead on arrival one from LiveAquaria. Got a nice Filamented flasher wrasse. I also picked up a High Fin goby as well.

Pictures below as usual.



