Jonas 3.13, 150G of Miracles fun

I have toyed with the idea but I have no room in this house. We are planning to move to a bigger house in a couple of years. Hopefully by then I'll plan better to have more of an automated water changing setup. For now I just need to keep up with the manual changes. Good thing is that I do not seem to have any issues with nitrate or phosphate. Nitrate is almost always undetectable.
Finally got all my levels back to where I want them. Now I just need to make sure they are being kept constant as well. Will get a third 1.1 ml/minute doser from BRS to start dosing Mg automatically as well. Won't need much of it at this point but better to stay ahead of the game.

Did a change to my Radion profile last night too. I am trying out the Shallow reef schedule. My original one were fine but was a tad bit too blue for my liking. Time will tell if the corals will like it. I can always switch back otherwise as the old profile did work well growthwise. Will try to take some photos showing the new profile soon.
Placed a "large" fish order from LiveAquaria last night to be delivered tomorrow Friday. Went a little over the top this time with the gobies and think this will be the last fish batch to enter the tank in awhile. I have had no luck with gobies before as they have all disappeared or died in QT and one carpet surfing. Plan is to roll the dice here and don't QT the gobies as they do not seem to fair well in QT (at least not for me) and for the fact that they are not very prone to get ICH (not immune by any means). As I said, will roll the dice some here but will closely inspect each fish before they do make it into the tank and if any suspicion of illness they will enter QT.

Ordered the following fish:

1 small Yellow Tang
1 yellow watchman goby
1 Hector's goby
1 orange spotted goby
1 two spot goby (my third try with this fish, other two both died in QT)
1 Yellow striped clingfish
1 small powder brown tang
5 blue/green Chromis (hand collected Fiji version and not the cyanide collected Indonesian ones)

Also ordered two inverts:

1 Tiger snapping shrimp
1 Fighting conch

Was meant to add a flame scallop as well but forgot to add it so it will be in a later order or from one of my LFS. I know this will be pushing the limits some but hope it will turn out well. If nothing else it will add a whole bunch of new colors to the tank. Right now most of my fish is in the red spectrum.
Did my second water change for the week yesterday and finally I got all the parameters back to where I want them. Will keep doing daily testing to make sure I stay that way too.

Still loving the new shallow reef radion profile a lot. Less blue than before but I like that. Time will tell if the corals enjoy the change as well.

Earlier today the shipment arrived. Well before the cut off time for UPS. Cred to them for that. Unboxed and acclimated everything. The gobies, the cling fish and the two inverts went directly into the main DT. The Powder Brown tang, Yellow tang and the 5 blue/green chromis are happily swimming around in my QT. Will start copper treatment in a few days and then finish it off with Prazipro. Or should I do the treatments in a different order? Does it make any difference?

Below are new pictures from today.










Woke up today just to find my cleaner shrimp finishing up the remainder of the body (the head) of the yellow prawn goby. Something in the tank keep killing the gobies i think but what? The pistol shrimp? Any ideas?
Things are starting to recover from the parameter swings nicely. A couple of weeks more and I should be back to where I want to be in terms of color. Still like the new light profile. Especially during the evening with less blue and more white. It gives a crisper appearance. Unfortunately not very easy to capture with a camera.

Fish in QT is doing very well. First treatment of PraziPro will be done tomorrow. Will change 50% of the water and then start the second treatment. Everyone are eating like pigs in QT. Feed them 2-3 times a day to keep all of them happy.

Took a lot of new pictures over the last couple of days. If anyone knows the names of any of the corals I am unsure about below please let me know. Enjoy.










More pictures...


This one has started to STN. Note sure why since most other ones are doing well. The color in the none-STN areas are great.








Disaster almost happened this afternoon. When I got out to the tank after work today it was all dark. Thought that was strange until I discovered that one of my fuge lights had fallen into the fuge probably killing one of my EB8 power bars. Luckily no vital equipment was connected to it so my return pump, skimmer and WO-40 all were still running. What was not working was any of my lights (except the Apex moon lights), Alk doser, WP-10 circulation pumps and stand light. Manage to get everything temporarily working from a regular power strip. Need to get a replacement ASAP. Luckily nothing seem to have died from it.
ive had a fuge light fall in. but i was there, i hit it and it dropped in. glad nothing more happened.

question tho. you dont have alerts coming from your apex?
I do but there are really no fault indications for a situation like this. The green status LED on the EB8 is still lit up as green. I don't think you can check if the internal circuit breaker has tripped? All the outlets were still listed as normal and in the correct states. And nothing system critical were connected to this EB8.
Found the problem. The EB8 is actually still working. Was the feeding circuit that did not work at all. Thought it did but mixed which outlets belonged to which circuit (had my electrical contractor install multiple separate circuits dedicated for the tank.

Now the question is, why did not the GFIC or the main circuit breaker trip here? Any what could have happened that make the circuit not work at all since the main CB is still in an ON state? Seems like my electrical contractor may have a few questions to answer.