New member
awesome addition. sorry to hear about your lose. i had a hi fin pistol pair and the hi fin went carpet surfing. def an awesome pair.
Found out last night that I have a mantis shrimp in my refugium. I have heard some light snapping from it before but thought it was just a pistol shrimp. The shrimp I saw peaking out under one of the rocks last night was definitely not a pistol shrimp. He is in the refugium isolated from anything else, except a few snails, hermits and one peppermint shrimp. I guess it would no hurt anything to leave him in there or could that cause issues down he road?
I seem to have no luck with gobies in my GT. Lost my third one in QT and second two spot goby today. Not sure why. They all look healthy and fine and then all of a sudden they just die. The other fish are all doing fine.
dang that must be frustrating. are these all shipped? maybe a local LFS has one?
awesome tank! love the mangrove roots!