Jonas 3.13, 150G of Miracles fun

Sorry for not updating here. Not much have happened lately. Been in kind of a holding pattern for the new tank. I have started to play around some with the plumbing. More so to train myself in gluing and trying out which fittings that will work etc. Starting to get the hang of some of it but still have a lot to learn/try.

Yesterday the old tank got picked up by a reefer from Orlando. Everything went fairly smooth but man is the tank heavy. I also got information from Miracles that my new tank is ready to be chipped to me by the end of next week so hopefully in about two weeks I have it home. Then the real progress than begin.

Something that is a little concerning to me is that I have yet to get my return pump and skimmer delivered. Both were ordered back in May so it has been a while. The common denominator between both those are that they are made by RLSS. I have heard great things about them but I cannot wait forever to get them shipped. At some point I may just have to cancel the order and go with something else.
Short update. Finally got to order the lights. Ended up with two Radion Pro modules. Got them for about $100 off per module which was nice. Been waiting a long time for a "deal" on them knowing that Ecotech never have any sales. Should be delivered here by the end of the week.

Getting closes and closer now to the actual start of the build. So far it has been mostly getting parts and playing the waiting game. Still missing two main components that have not been delivered yet, the skimmer and the return pump.
Are you getting your skimmer and return pump from Salty Supply? I've been looking into replacing my eheim return pump with a lower wattage Waveline DC 5000, but they have not had it in stock for the last few months. Frustrating!
I am getting the skimmer from Salty Supply but not the return pump. It is coming from Premium Aquatics. Regardless, in both cases they are nowhere to be seen. Not sure how much longer I am wiling to wait, especially since the tank is arriving next week.
Santa arrived yesterday afternoon. The UPS guy had two boxed from BRS containing my Ecotech Radion X30W Pro (and some other less important stuff).

Unpacked the Radions and turned them on to test and boy are they bright. Think I will be able to grow just about anything under these. Will most likly have a bigger issue with low light demanded corals than SPS and clams. Installed the Ecotech software and connected my laptop to the lights. Played around some with the different settings but have not decided how I want to have my light curve. Most likely I will incorporate something that promotes high growth during the day when I am at work and then change to promote colors when I come home. Think there will be a lot of experimentation in the beginning.

Here are some "mandatory" unboxing pictures.






Next project on the agenda is to work in the electrical panel as much as I can do before the actual DT arrives (hopefully next week).
Started to build the electrical panel today. Unfortunately most of the equipment is stuck on the nano tank for now. Will leave it there until I at least get the tank up and leak tested.

Got some time to work more on the stand. Installed incoming power, hooked up the stand lighting and mounted the two BRS reactors. Probably need to figure out a different way to mount them because right now it looks like they may fall off the screws when the weight of water is added. Does anyone have any tips on how to best mount them for stability?

Below are updated pictures of the stand interior.



I have started to work on a stock list but are nowhere near a final selection.

Current inhabitants that will be making the move to the new tank:

  • 2 Semi-Picasso Percs
  • Carpenters Flasher Wrasse
  • 2 RBTA
  • Shrimps and remaining cleanup crew
  • Remaining corals

Proposed additional fish stock list (I love smaller fish and gobies so it will be heavy on those)

  • 1 Blue tang (Hippo)
  • 1 Powder Brown tang or 1 Powder blue tang
  • 1 Tailspot Blenny
  • 3 Lyretail Anthias or 3 Dispar Anthias
  • 3-5 Red Stop Light Cardinal
  • 2 Banghai Cardinal
  • 2 Purple Fire fish or 2 Fire Fish
  • 2 Green Mandarin Goby (after the tank and pod population is well established
  • 2 Blue Neon Goby (if mated pair)
  • 2 Yellow Neon Goby (If mated pair)
  • 2 Yasha Haze Goby (if mated pair)
  • 1 Yellow Watchman Goby
  • 1 Black Ray Goby
  • 1 Diamond Goby (maybe)
  • 1 Bluespotted jawfish
  • 1 female Carpenters flasher wrasse (for my male)
  • 1 Cleaner wrasse

The list is probably way too long and I need to cut down some. Any fish I should remove immediately or someone I missed? Would appreciate any comments.
Build looks great so far. I am glad to here Miracles taking care of you like that, I will definitely keep that in mind for my next build. As for the fish I would cut the cleaner wrasse (poor survival rates) and choose only a couple of those gobies, as they may fight due to being of the same species.
Thanks. I pretty much calculated on not being able to have all the gobies. The ones I really want are Yasha Haze and the neon goby (yellow or blue).

I have also ready that the Carpenters wrasse would do best with 3 or 4 females instead of just one. Is that correct or would I still be fine with just 1 female?

Spoke to Miracles today on the phone. Apparently they told me incorrect shipping date last week. My tank was built and completed yesterday and will now sit and "cure" etc. for the remainder of this week. I got the option of having it being shipped out Friday or Monday of next week. I selected Monday so if everything goes well I should (knock on wood) have the tank back home again by the second half of next week.
Be careful with the Banggai Cardinals if you are getting just 2 unless they're a mated pair. If you happen to get 2 males, the dominant one would likely harass the shyer one to death after a while. Diamond gobies have a nasty habit of swallowing a mouthful of sand and releasing it half way swimming up your tank while the power heads blow everything around.

Everything is looking fantastic, so clean and tidy. Can't wait to see a tank full of water. By the way, have you decided on which option to choose for the aquascaping from earlier posts?
Thanks for the complements!

I would only get two Banggai if I can get one male and one female or a mated pair. Too bad they won't get along in larger groups since they are a very cool looking fish.

As for the option for aquascape, I have not yet decided and will probably be a sixth version inside the tank. It will however be based off version 5 as it is now. I have a few ideas on how to tweak that version but have to do some testing with the actual rocks after they are done curing.
Trying to figure out the best and easiest way to build a small stand for my 20G remote fuge. Would 4x2 as lefts and then a MDF board on top work or do I need something more sturdy?
Got bored waiting for the tank to arrive so I brought out the macro in the backyard. Found this little dude. Doesn't really have anything to do with the build but thought I would live up the thread with a couple of images.


Beautiful work so far.

If you can find a M/F pair of Bangii's you will enjoy watching them. Pretty cool to see their behavior.
The camera is nothing special, a Canon EOS Rebel XSi and the lens is the Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L IS. Love that lens. Pricey but man does it take good pictures. The ones above were both taken handheld.
Thanks for the info. Your pictures are always so spectacular and its one reason I enjoy subscribing to your threads. I have the same camera but obviously a macro lens would be a significant plus.

BTW: The progress on the 150 looks great. So much elegant planning and attention to detail. Looking forward to seeing the lucky reef inabitants when you get it all put together!
Quick update. The tank is "supposed to arrive" this Friday. Time will tell. Been told so for several weeks now.

Did some minor plumbing tonight. Added the main and emergency drain from the fuge back to the sump. I am not sure I want it to drain into the return section just yet. Does anyone see any issues with that? better to have them both return into the skimmer section? My reasoning for having them into the return section is to avoid the skimmer to kill any of the pods coming from the fuge (which is the main reason I will have a fuge).


You will be just fine with the fuge draining into the return section. It may require a little tweaking to prevent bubbles but you will be fine.

BTW that stand will be plenty sturdy for that 20g.