Think it is time for an update. Been really busy with life and work lately so have not had a chance to post anything here. The tank is still doing OK but I do have a few wars to fight. Starting to do more regular water changes. Salinity is still a tad bit too high but it is coming down slowly to more comfortable levels.
I am also fighting a losing battle with aiptasia. They are multiplying faster than I can kill them. Got 3 berghia nudibranches last week and hopefully they will be able to control the infestation over time. Short term I think I will get a copparbanded butterfly fish. Always wanted one and now I have more than enough "food" for it to be sustained for a longer period of time.
Most of the corals are doing fine but some are suffering a bit from being too close to the aiptasia. Had to do a big weeding of my GSP as it started to get too close to both the front glass as well as the main rock work.
I have also had some equipment issues. All the circulation pumps I have put in my fuge seems o break sooner rather than later. Granted I cheeped out and got very cheap ones from Petco/Petsmart. Decided to try at least one step up and got two Koralia circulation pumps and so far so good. The water is moving around in the fuge again.
The bigger failure was that the pump in my Skimz skimmer gave up. It started to run for a few seconds and then stopped. They up and running for another few seconds and so it went on and on. Seems like a lot of people had similar pump issues with Skimz. Got a new one delivered and installed today. Looked like a new model/revision so hopefully this one will last longer. The skimmer was offline for about 3 weeks total and ran very bad the weeks before that. Hoping that now the tank will catch up again and come back to the former glory again.
Haven't gotten much new livestock for the tank besides the nudis and a few SPS. Planning to place a fish order later this week from LiveAquaria assuming they have a copparband available or I might wait until they will get one in stock.
Below are some pictures taken about a week ago. Will hopefully get an updated FTS soon as well.