Jonas 3.13, 150G of Miracles fun

Love your sump! :)


Picked up a new Duncan last weekend that I have not had a chance to document until today. Like the shade of green this one has. Have not seen that before.


My Court Jester Goby decided to do some posing for me as well so snapped a new picture of him as well. I like this guy. He swims around the bottom minding his own business. Seems like he eats by sifting through the sand only as I have not seem him eat any food I have thrown in the tank at all. Obviously he must eat something as he is still alive and looks healthy.


Planning to re-install the reactors tomorrow. Hope that those will take care of the sporadic cyano bloom I have going on at the moment.
Sorry for the lack of updates. Work has taken up most of my time lately. The tank has been running well but I keep having issues with the MP40 wet sides. Got both of them replaced earlier this year and yesterday one of the new ones stopped working again. Will be interesting to see what Ecotecs says tomorrow regarding the situation. I am not very happy with the reliability at the moment. The pumps are great, but if they are going to keep breaking on me I cannot trust them as much as I need.

Transferred the fish from QT to the DT a couple of weeks ago and they are all thriving with all the new space.

Stopped by WWC in Orlando yesterday and got 3 new SPS back with me home. Must say that the visit was a little bit of a disappointment compared to last time. Seemed like the selection of nice corals were far less and the ones they did have were smaller, more expensive and less "attractive" than before. Still a good store and liked the ones I did get.

Picture updates below.










wwc might be getting ready for reefapoloza, how often do you rotate your wetsides for cleaning, ive run them for past 5yrs w no problems, have to replace washers and ceramic bearings every yr or so, i rotate mine every 2months for cleaning.
wwc might be getting ready for reefapoloza, how often do you rotate your wetsides for cleaning, ive run them for past 5yrs w no problems, have to replace washers and ceramic bearings every yr or so, i rotate mine every 2months for cleaning.

Probably. They still had good stuff in there, just not as impressive as the first time I visited.

The wet side that broke were less than 2 months old. Other than that I try to clean them one every quarter or when they look too dirty. I am calling to Ecotech later today to see what can be done. I have no fear they wont help me out, they are good to deal with in that regards. However the reliability has not been there for me yet and that is a concern for me since I am traveling a lot with work.

Looking good, your unknown green colored SPS reminds me of a Frogskin Coral.

You might be right. Regardless if it is or not I will call it that going forward until someone corrects me again. Thanks!
Think it is time for an update. Been really busy with life and work lately so have not had a chance to post anything here. The tank is still doing OK but I do have a few wars to fight. Starting to do more regular water changes. Salinity is still a tad bit too high but it is coming down slowly to more comfortable levels.

I am also fighting a losing battle with aiptasia. They are multiplying faster than I can kill them. Got 3 berghia nudibranches last week and hopefully they will be able to control the infestation over time. Short term I think I will get a copparbanded butterfly fish. Always wanted one and now I have more than enough "food" for it to be sustained for a longer period of time.

Most of the corals are doing fine but some are suffering a bit from being too close to the aiptasia. Had to do a big weeding of my GSP as it started to get too close to both the front glass as well as the main rock work.

I have also had some equipment issues. All the circulation pumps I have put in my fuge seems o break sooner rather than later. Granted I cheeped out and got very cheap ones from Petco/Petsmart. Decided to try at least one step up and got two Koralia circulation pumps and so far so good. The water is moving around in the fuge again.

The bigger failure was that the pump in my Skimz skimmer gave up. It started to run for a few seconds and then stopped. They up and running for another few seconds and so it went on and on. Seems like a lot of people had similar pump issues with Skimz. Got a new one delivered and installed today. Looked like a new model/revision so hopefully this one will last longer. The skimmer was offline for about 3 weeks total and ran very bad the weeks before that. Hoping that now the tank will catch up again and come back to the former glory again.

Haven't gotten much new livestock for the tank besides the nudis and a few SPS. Planning to place a fish order later this week from LiveAquaria assuming they have a copparband available or I might wait until they will get one in stock.

Below are some pictures taken about a week ago. Will hopefully get an updated FTS soon as well.










Just placed a fish order with This might be the last fish additions unless I lose one going forward. The current stock has been in the tank for a long time now and seem to be very healthy and stable.

I ordered the following fish:

  • Copperband Butterflyfish
  • Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse
  • Bluehead Fairy Wrasse
  • Longfin Fairy Wrasse
  • Royal Gramma Basslet
  • Tail Spot Blenny

Also ordered one ORA SPS:
  • Marshall Island Yellow Fuzzy Acropora Coral

They should all be here this Friday. QT is ready and waiting for them (has been ready for a while).
Christmas came early this year. Got mu shipment from this morning. That is always so much fun. A lot of fish to acclimate and QT. Everyone seemed to be in good condition when arriving. Two of the fish that does not do well in QT went right in the DT after their acclimation, the Bluestreak Cleaner wrasse and the Copperband Butterflyfish. All the others went into QT. Pictures below.











Was a little tense moment in the beginning between my Yellow Eye Kole Tang and the Copperband Butterflyfish but it seems to have calmed down now. The Bluestreak Cleaner wrasse went right to work and set up his cleaning station. He has been all over the Yellow Tang so far. Love to watch him work. Such a character.
Everything looks great! I will be receiving my tank and stand from Miracles soon!

Awesome! I really like the quality and the customer service is next to none. The did not hesitate replacing my tank when it arrived with a chip in the corner and some scratches. Price was reasonable as well.

On another note, everything is doing well in the tank. The aiptasia is still ruling the tank but think the copperband has at least started to work on it as I have seen him constantly picking on the rocks where they are. Not sure yet how much he actually eats. He has a long battle ahead of him though.

Another positive note is that the cleaner wrasse takes prepares frozen food. That is a very good sign I think as I have heard they can be hard to keep long term otherwise. Time will tell.

Any suggestions of fish I could put in my fuge to keep the algae under control (without wiping it out) that would also survive the mantis shrimp in there? Such a fish may not even exist?
Your tank looks great. I just ordered a new one myself from Crystal Dynamics formally Lee Mar. The size is 48x26x26 all sides starphire.

The long progress on yours has been great!
Read your thread beginning to end. I also have a 150g. Set up in 2007 and for the first few years all was great. Then time became a factor (family and work) and I neglected the tank. It has become the home of Xenia and glass anemones. This weekend we remove that tank and start with a new starfire tank (peninsula). I plan to copy some of your successes. I will definitely continue to follow your tank.
Long time, no update. Been a couple of busy months with work etc. Tank is still doing fine. Battling low Mg at the moment which I think is the culprit to why my sand in certain areas has turned rock solid as well as the reason behind all my pumps keeps stalling on me. Slowly raising the Mg back to normal levels again.

Got a new fish order in from a couple of days ago. Fish are in QT for observation at the moment and will end up in the DT later if I do not see any signs of issues. So far everyone is doing well and already eating with the exception of the Royal Gramma which I seem to always have issues with. The previous two I got never made it past QT and this one does not look too promising so far either. Not sure what I do wrong since it is supposed to be an easy fish to care for.

Since I have not updated in a long time I'll take a few posts here below and spam out new pictures of the tank, corals and fish, new and old.










Finally a brand new FTS.
