Jonas 3.13, 150G of Miracles fun










Amazing pics :)


Agree. Love the collection.


SO I have had some issues with my ATO float switch not turning off when it should resulting in that my backup switch had to kick in a couple of times. The safety net did work which is good but had to fix the main issue. Decided to replace the main float switch and I am glad I did. A lot of crap had built up on it making it too heavy for the water to lift. The picture below says it all.


Hopefully I should be good for another year or two now.

Placed a new fish order from Liveaquaria tonight. Ended up with the following:

  • 1 medium size Exquisite Fairy Wrasse (Maldives)
  • 4 medium size Carberryi Anthias (Africa)
  • 1 medium size Court Jester Goby (Indonesia)
  • 1 Yellow Prawn Goby (Indonesia)
  • 2 medium size Kauderns Cardinal, Captive-Bred (South Asia)

They should all be delivered by Friday.
Fish has arrived and are all in DT/QT already. Good start of my Bday!








Need to get a better picture of the wrasse soon.
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Nice looking tank. Also liked your 28 thread


Great addition. Love those cardinals.

Thanks! Hope they will pair up. Had two earlier that mated and released babies into the water column. Unfortunately they passed away in whatever plagued my tank during the summer of 2014.

Finally got to composite some growth pictures of my corals. Some has done great and some seems like they have hardly grown at all. Some are also still recovering from the issues last summer.











Played around with the camera yesterday and took some more serious (turning off all pumps etc.) macro shots. They are not perfect but better than nothing.




Forgot to mention that last night one of my RBTA split again so I am not a proud dad to three RBTA.

I also lost the Exquisite Fairy Wrasse in my QT a couple of days ago. He was swimming around happily when I left for work and dead as a rock when I came home. Not sure what happened. All other fish are still doing well in QT.
Picked up two new SPS today along with some Astrea snails and a few more emerald crabs for the fuge. Hopefully they don't all become food for the mantis shrimp.

If anyone knows the name of the Staghorn below please let me know.


Took a few more macros over the weekend. Not happy with all of them but the mushroom at the end came out OK.

The Original Chips Acro frag (just put in the tank so not very happy)

Ponape Birdsnest

Seasons Greetings Montipora

Marbled Lincka starfish

Florida Rocordea Mushroom
Short update.

A couple of days ago the female clown decided it finally was time to move into her new home. She has not left the anemone ever since with two exceptions: getting food and truing to hustle the male to move in with her. This morning she finally succeeded and they are now both living in the anemones.

I also decided to completely disassemble my carbon and GFP reactors over the weekend. Have noticed greatly reduced flow through them. Well, I got the answer to that question. The black plastic tubes used were more or less completely solid from all the build ups along the inner walls. No wonder the flow were slow.

Completely disassembled the reactors, removed and discarded all old tubing and replaced it with new ones. Have since then run them in a tub with a strong vinegar solution to clean them inside and out. Will keep doing so for a day or two more and then re-install them in the system again.
Had another hardware malfunction yesterday. When I came home from work the propeller shaft for the MP40 I bought in November 2014 was broken. Snapped right off. I have contacted Ecotech for warranty replacement. Looks like I cannot catch a break with my equipment.

