Short update.
A couple of days ago the female clown decided it finally was time to move into her new home. She has not left the anemone ever since with two exceptions: getting food and truing to hustle the male to move in with her. This morning she finally succeeded and they are now both living in the anemones.
I also decided to completely disassemble my carbon and GFP reactors over the weekend. Have noticed greatly reduced flow through them. Well, I got the answer to that question. The black plastic tubes used were more or less completely solid from all the build ups along the inner walls. No wonder the flow were slow.
Completely disassembled the reactors, removed and discarded all old tubing and replaced it with new ones. Have since then run them in a tub with a strong vinegar solution to clean them inside and out. Will keep doing so for a day or two more and then re-install them in the system again.